Chapter 2678 Real World 28

The son is her pillar, and now she knows that her son has a smallpox, and the whole person is on the verge of collapse.

The woman slammed into the ground and turned to Xue Qiantou. "Doctor, beg you to save me, and beg you to save me."

Xue Qian was busy lifting the woman from the ground.

When they were hoeing, both Bei Yu and Xiao Moer went forward to investigate. The symptoms of the appearance are indeed very similar to those of smallpox. Ten out of ten are smallpox.

"What do you see?"

Xiaomoer shook his head. "It's like a smallpox."

He suddenly raised his small head and looked at her. "Mother, do you have a silver needle?"

Bei Yuyu took a silver needle from the box. Xiaomoer took the boy's hand and stabbed his fingertips with a silver needle. A drop of blood overflowed.

Xiaomoer waited for the reaction of the silver needle. After a breath, the white silver needle turned black.

"Mother, the baby is sure, he is not a smallpox, but a poison." Xiao Moer said affirmatively.

"Poisoning?" Xue Qianzheng helped the woman, and suddenly he heard the answer and surprised him.

"This symptom is clearly a smallpox." Xue Qian frowned.

Xiao Moer handed him the silver needle in his hand. After Xue Qian saw the silver needle, his face changed.

"It's really poisoning." Xue Qian was shocked. "What symptoms of poison are the same as smallpox?"

Xiaomo did not speak, but was examining various parts of the child's body.

Xue Qian stood by and patiently waited.

The woman sees the doctor standing aside, letting a child where to turn left and right.

"Doctor, is my child really poisoned?"

Xue Qian nodded.

"How can it be poisoned?" The woman population muttered to herself and did not believe this.

After the inspection of Xiaomoer, Beiyuyu handed the wet handkerchief to him.

After Xiaomoer wiped it gently, he slowly said: "He is in the poisonous flower."

"No. Rhodopsin is characterized by red chickenpox, but it does not have a fever. This child is a high fever." Xue Qian raised questions.

Xiaomoer did not answer and turned to look at the woman. "Auntie, I want to ask, did your son have no symptoms of chickenpox before today?"

The woman thought carefully and nodded certainly. "If the doctor didn't come over, I didn't know the chickenpox on my body. I didn't see it when I wiped my body yesterday."

"That's right." Xiaomoer said leisurely: "The poison is only in today's day. He is just a fever, but he is in the middle of today's rhododendron, causing his symptoms to look like smallpox."

The woman looked at Xiao Moer, and then looked at Xue Qian, how to see that the child had a skill than the doctor.

Bei Yu Yan stood on the side and looked at it. He didn't give pointers and let him play one by one. Seeing his methodical step by step analysis, the dawn became soft.

The woman turned to look at Xiaomoer. "Little doctor, can I have a child? This is a poisonous flower, is it serious? Can it be cured?"

"Linghua poison is rare, but it is not uncommon. He is not deeply poisoned now, but it is not difficult to solve. If it is delayed for a day or two, it will be difficult to solve even if it is a medical doctor."

When the woman saw him, she said that she was solvable, and her face was filled with joy. She was busy squatting and giving him a hoe, and was helped by Xiao Moer.

"Auntie, I am still a child, can't stand your gift. You get up, I need to detoxify your son here."

Hearing that he wanted to detoxify, he did not dare to delay his business and stood up.

Xue Qian looked at his every move and compared himself.

(End of this chapter)

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