Chapter 2692 Real World 42

"Three days."

Hua Zi’s little face screamed, “Can’t you wait for more time?”

"We still have things, and when we finish the matter, we will come back again." Xiao Moer is sympathetic.

Huazi licked his mouth. "Okay."

Chu Yu secretly observed the interaction between Hua Zikai and their mother and son. The heart was secretly surprised. It is hard to imagine that Hua Zikai would reveal such a naive side in front of people.

In the eyes of all people, Hua Zikai is a young boy, and his young age is not the momentum of his brothers.

A few people ate and drank, chatting in the north and south.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, a lantern was lit up on the street. Due to the water on Tianxiang Building, this street is particularly lively.

A group of people ate and drank very late, Huazi 昀 小 让 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 瑜 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚 楚

The National Government is the home of Chu Yu, and is also the grandfather of Huaziyu. He is very familiar with this place. He ate breakfast early in the morning. After seeing the ceremony to the ancestors of the family, Bei Yuxi was taken out by Huazi. .

They just left the door and a waiter rushed in.

"Young master, find someone."

A few people liked it, Chu Yu was busy asking: "Where?"

The waiter took a breath and said: "It’s just beside the moat. Looking at the two of them, it should be the one we are looking for. Just..."

"What is it?"

"They are dead."

"What!" Hua Zi was shocked.


The northern rain stood immediately in the carriage, and the rest of the people followed and drove directly to the moat. At this time, there are a group of people outside the moat. These people are the people who got up early into the city.

The servant has already brought this up, and after Chu Yu showed his identity, put a few people into it.

There are two large bodies and two bodies lying on the bank of the river.

Hua Zikai only glanced at him and turned his head and vomited to the side.

Xiaomoer's brows were tightened, and the eyes looked at the small iron pillars.

He is only three years old, and that person can kill his own son in order to be rich and wealthy.

"When did you find out, who was discovered?" asked Bei Yu.

Xu is Bei Yu's tone is too cold, let the catching subconsciously return: "Their body is a boatman this morning, when the river is cleaned up, it is fished. The old man is not scared. When you come up They were placed in a burlap bag with stones in their pockets. If it weren’t for the old man’s hooks that were hooked up in the burlap bag, and the hard pull of the things dragged up, I am afraid that the two bodies would not know when they would be discovered.”

After making a preliminary inspection of the body, he said to the head of the trap: "They are both awkward. They were thrown into the river while they were alive and killed alive."

"Can there be other scars on the body?" asked Bei Yuyu.

"Except for some wounds in life, there are no other scars. The initial judgment is drowning."

"Death time?"

"Look at the degree of their body bubble, at least twelve hours in the water, the specific time, to wait until I further anatomy can be determined." After the completion of the work, this will reflect, who is this person who just asked .

"The time of their death must be the night before." North Rain said calmly.

That night, two groups of people were divided. A group of people set fire to kill them. Another group of people, Li Guixiang and the mother and son sank into the river to live and die.

Ps: fourth more...

(End of this chapter)

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