Chapter 2712 Real World 62

Someone is a step faster than her, standing on the wall first.

The northern rain scorpion recognized the man, the young man who lived next to them.

The two stood in front of the wall and carefully looked at the **** wall in front of them.

The northern rain smashed out a handful of red blood and put it on the tip of his nose.

this is……

The north rained and looked as if she expected.

The north rain turned around and saw that the young man was wiping the blood marks on his fingers.

Someone saw the actions of the two men shouting: "You two are not killed."

Just then, a man suddenly rushed to a woman with a baby and took the baby in her arms.

"what are you doing?!"

The crowd saw the man hug the baby and walked toward the door.

Xiaomoer rushed out, his body flashed, kicking the man out and kicking the baby.

‘嘭’, the man fell heavily on the ground.

The man said to everyone: "You don't sacrifice to the Dragon King, and all of us will die."

Xiaomoer returned the child to the mother, who took the child and hugged the child tightly.

The cries of the baby, coupled with what the man said, made the atmosphere in the cabin strange.

"If you want to sacrifice, you will jump down and sacrifice. It’s not your own life. Don’t you feel bad?” Bei Yuyu stepped forward and looked at the man with a cold look.

Anyone with a child is tightly guarded and afraid of being taken away.

The man began to shake the people on board. "The dragon king wants a boy and a boy. If I am a boy and a child, I will naturally jump. You are so nervous because your daughter? Your daughter is so beautiful." I will sacrifice her to the Dragon King, and it will love it. Everyone grabs the girl and sacrifices her to the Dragon King, otherwise we will all follow it."

When his voice fell, a flash of light flashed outside the cabin, followed by a thunder.

All the people's eyes are looking at the little ink, and the musk is nervous to protect the little ink.

Bei Yuyu didn't know where to go from a sword and pointed at everyone. "Who dares to step forward, don't blame the sword in my hand for not looking."

The person who wants to go forward, Limaton lived in the footsteps and did not dare to approach.

Someone suggested: "Would you like to do this, how about the money to buy a child? Who wants to sell the child?"

A wealthy businessman said: "I can make one hundred and two."

"I can make fifty-two."


The person proposed by the party turned to look at the family with children around. "We can buy five hundred and two children here. Who is willing to sell the child? In fact, this is not only for the sake of silver, but also for your own sake. If it is the Dragon King Adults are not happy, all of us will be dead, and when the children die, you will die, and you will not get a penny."

This is very confusing, and some people are moving, but they are still hesitating.

After all, the five hundred and two are very attractive.

Ordinary people can't make so much money in their lifetime.

"I am willing to sell."

Suddenly, a middle-aged man with a thin body in the corner made a noise.

The woman sitting next to him was shocked to see him. "Children, hey, do you really want to sell a big sister?"

The little girl in her arms is only three or four years old, and she can understand it. She knows that she is going to be sold by her father, and her tears are high.

"Oh, I don't want to die."

(End of this chapter)

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