Chapter 2779 Real World 129

When Bei Lin and Du Lin sat down, Muxiang looked a little uneasy.

Xiao Moer looked at him curiously.

"The Northern Little General, I have heard about your deeds for a long time. It is our pleasure to see it today." Bei Yuyu said with a smile.

Beilin looked at her. "You are not like the people of the Southern Tang Dynasty."

"The generals are extraordinary. We are indeed not the people of the Southern Tang Dynasty. We are the people of the Great Zhou Dynasty and come to the South Tang Dynasty to do a little business. I don't know how the general is seen?" asked Bei Yuyu.

"Every year outside, I have seen many people from all over the world, and naturally can distinguish one or two. The lady's words and demeanor are very similar to our Nantang, but the few habits around us are big weeks."

This is distinguished by the habits of a few people.

“It’s been a common practice between the two countries to travel between the two countries.” Bei Yuyu explained this to his nature.

The two chatted about the world, from the customs of various countries, to the culture of eating. From the previous vigilance, Beilin slowly and unconsciously relaxed.

When the two sides chatted, the sound of the drums came downstairs, and the sound was far and near.

Muxiang stretched his head and looked downstairs. He cried in surprise: "Come on, the dragon lantern is coming."

Both Bei Yu and Bei Lin stopped talking, and everyone looked at the window and looked out. On the street downstairs, a fiery dragon light is standing on this side, surrounded by people.

In the vicinity of the dragon lanterns, there is also a performance on the Gaoqiao. The front end has a fire show, all kinds of acrobatics. With the arrival of the dragon lanterns, the crowd bursts with surprises, screams and laughter.

"It’s really lively, I haven’t seen it for many years.” Bei Yuyu looked at the lively extraordinary dragon lamp below, whispering in the mouth.

Beilin looked at her strangely, obviously not a big age, but there was a vicissitudes.

"Wow, that air overturned, it's too powerful." Muxiang saw that it was called a surprise, and the mouth was constantly making a burst of exclamation.

After the dragon lights passed, everyone in the teahouse returned to their seats.

"I saw such a wonderful dragon lantern for the first time." Muxiang said with great interest.

Xiao Moer's eyes are also shiny and shiny, and obviously like to watch.

"Let's show you here next year." Bei Yu smirked.

On the opposite side, when Lin Lin heard her, the body was slightly shocked.

The rain has once said such a thing.

"It’s really good to see the dragon light here, but the boss here is too annoying. I think next time we come over again, he won’t give it to us.” Muxiang thinks about what happened before, and feels that it is hanging.

"Nothing, he doesn't dare." North Rain said calmly.

"Mrs. Wood, we still have things, go first."


The northern rains sent them away, until they disappeared completely in their sight, and she regained her gaze.

She stood up. "We should go back."

"Good." Xiaomoer was very clever and stood up.

Xue Qian is not interested in these things. He is most interested in treating diseases and saving people and developing various kinds of plasters for the benefit of mankind.

Muxiang is good, but when they see them all, it’s hard to say that they will play for a while.

As the dragon lanterns passed, many people chasing the dragon lanterns followed, and the streets were a lot less than before. On the way back to the few people, there is no need to squeeze from the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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