Chapter 2824 Real World 174

This is true for the next few families.

The people around me heard it, but everyone with a brain-like sensation smelled the conspiracy.

"You are being used by people."

"You have been cheated."


When Wang Daren asked, Bei Yuyu walked to the side of the dark night. "Can there be any suspicious people near here?"


Even after being so confused, he always pays attention to the situation on the stage.

"That's good."

The north rain squatted and looked at the opposite platform. "So there are suspicious people on the opposite side?"

Hesitated for a second in the dark, "I didn't notice."

I have just been preventing people from getting close to the high platform and have no time to pay attention to the movement next door.

The northern rain smashed open the wooden box and took out the cream to sniff it without any problems.

She looked at the opposite wooden table and looked at the family below, revealing the color of contemplation.

With Gu’s temperament, it’s definitely not that simple.

Let them make trouble, if they can't stop it in time, it will affect the experiment, but as long as it is clarified, there must be a way to continue.

She does not believe that Gu Yuran has made such a mistake, just for a misunderstanding that can be solved at any time.

"Well, everyone is scattered." Wang Daren said to the crowd.

After making such an oolong, the crowd around them was scattered.

The north rains stepped forward. "Adult, just like this, I think the creams on both sides are replaced."

Only the cream can be made in this article. If they deliberately poisoned inside, they said that there was a problem with the cream. It was found to be toxic, and the cream of Gu’s had already been checked for non-toxicity. This is not a naked frame.

Who will frame it, but it is not Ray's.

Wang Daren also thought of it, "You are thoughtful."

The creams on both sides were replaced again. Before the exchange, several female prisoners were specifically explained, and no one could be brought close to them, even if they were guarded by two guards.

Six female prisoners understand that they each keep a bottle of cream, even if they are sleeping, they are not allowed to leave their hands.

"Dark night, stare at the other side, don't let them have a chance to make a fuss in the cream." Bei Yuyu said.



Gu Yun stood down and bowed his head and did not dare to look at Gu Ruran.

"Miss, it’s not good for the subordinates."

"This thing can't blame you." Gu Ruan sighed.

She did not think that they came so fast, and did not even think that the woman was with Wang Daren.

"Miss, do you want us again..."

"No. This thing can only be used once. It will definitely make people doubt with the second time. Can you explain clearly to those people?"

"It's fine to explain." Gu Ruran's lips smirked.

The good show has just begun.

Not afraid that she is not hooked!

The north rain 棠 just returned to the house, and the official foot came to the door.

"Mrs. Wood, you go to the penalty department with me."

"But what happened?"

Xiaomoer and Muxiang looked at him worriedly.

The official said: "I don't know about this small one. Wang Daren ordered me to come and call you."

The northern rain and the official hurriedly left and went straight to the prison.

As soon as he entered the prison, he saw the four emperors sitting in the interrogation position, and Wang Daren stood aside.

Wang Daren made a look at the north rain, and the north rain was clear.

She went to the two men and bowed their hands, "I have seen the four royals, Wang Daren."

"Today, Wang Daren caught a few people who incited the people to make trouble. Can you know them?" Gu Fan’s opening asked, his eyes staring at him coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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