Chapter 2828 Real World 178

When Wang Daren heard this question, the feelings in front were all talking nonsense. Only the last question made him feel useful.

Just two people answered differently, obviously lying.

"Bring the next one." North Yu Yan said.

With the harvest, Beiyuyu did not show any joy, and his face was still calm, but Xue Qian’s face was red. He knew that she knew she had a way.

The knife was brought up, and the person looks fierce, and at first glance it is not a good face.

Like Yushan and Ermazi, Beiyuyu first talked with him and lowered his defenses. However, those seemingly gossip are the key. It reveals a lot of valuable information.

She was asking the two of them before agreeing to lay the draft, letting them think that they just answered as before. When the last key question was thrown out, there was no preparation, and naturally it was asked.

As the knife was taken, the smile on Wang’s face was a little more.

He also understands why Bei Yuqi asked them not to let them go after they asked them. They were afraid that they would unify their calibre. Block their mouths and ears, fearing what they will do to remind others when they hear them.

This woman is very thoughtful and has to admire.

When the last one was brought to the inquiry, Bei Yujun ordered the servants to take them away.

Then I turned to look at the four emperors. "His Highness, the four people saw the same person, but they saw him wearing four clothes. It wasn’t my servant who brought four sets of clothes with him and performed once in front of them. Change clothes game?"

The four emperors face ugly men. "Your question is misleading and not enough to believe."

Bei Yuyu had already expected him to say this. "Before Ashan said that it was the old Chen Jiayang noodles at noon that day. From the old Chen family's sheep noodles to the west of the city, it takes about two quarters of an hour. They are noon. I saw my servant in three moments, and it was obvious that he had eaten the noodles. But I asked the knife and the dog, and there was something in the body that smelled Ashan. They said no. Old Chen’s It’s a well-known thing to put a lot of garlic in the noodles. Can they not smell at the same time?”

Not waiting for the opening of the four emperors, Bei Yuyu continued: "This is one of the loopholes in their words."

"Let's talk about more holes in the two. I only asked him if he was in the afternoon, could he eat it? His answer was that the mother-in-law didn't get up at three o'clock in the afternoon. It was obvious that he was still at home. He was still at home at noon. How can people appear in the Liuxi Hutong in the west of the city? It’s not that the two pocks are gods, they have the ability to pass the sky, and they can breathe thousands of miles. This is the second."

"The third, I just asked the knife, he..."

"Their four,..."

"The five,..."

The northern rain smashed out a few counts, heard the jailers around, caught the glimpse, and looked at her in surprise. If she did not point out one by one, they did not see what it was for her question.

Now it seems that every problem she has is useful and useful.

The more the Wang Daren looked at the North Rain, the more satisfied he was. He smiled at the Four Emperors with no eyes.

If she can use it for the Three Emperors, she will surely make the Three Emperors even more powerful.

Wang Daren began to think about how to introduce this with the three emperors.

After the rain, he looked at the four emperors. "His Royal Highness, do you still believe in them now?"

(End of this chapter)

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