Chapter 2836 Real World 186

"Do you really dislike her?" Xiao Guiyan stared at him as if he wanted to see through his heart.

"Mother, she is the person that Jing Yu likes, how can her children like her."

"How do I hear that you are a couple. If you really like it, this palace can go to your father to ask for a marriage contract and make a good marriage. You are the son of this palace, this palace wants its own The son’s happiness and happiness.” Xiao Gui’s words are long and heavy.

Her words undoubtedly made his heart move, but when he thought of Tang Jingyu, he was a little bit sloppy, and more importantly, he was stunned.

He didn't know if he would marry him.

He didn't want to do anything to force her. If she wanted, he would definitely find a way to bring her to her side. However, from the beginning to the end she was only a good buddy, a good friend.

Xiao Guizhen saw her son's hesitation, and the slightest hesitation and the struggling color of her eyes made her heart sink.

The woman who lives in the Red Palace, especially in the position of the noble, is a kind, stupid generation.

Anyone who likes the brothers like the outside rumors.

This is a big taboo.

Tang Jingyu is the helper for him to sit in that position. If it is because of this matter, it is not worth it.

More importantly, if you are known by the emperor, you will definitely feel that you are not doing anything.

She is absolutely not allowed to obstruct the superiors, especially a negligible woman.

Xiao Guizhen has already killed her.

Gu Fan’s slightly hesitant, “Mother, you are really misunderstood. I only know each other about her.”

Although Gu Fan said this, Xiao Guizhen had already made up his mind to solve the troublesome woman, but her face still had a gentle smile.

"No?" Xiaogui asked with a smile.

"I swear, really not." Gu Fan's move started, and was immediately stopped by Xiao Guizhen.

"You silly boy, the mother is just playing with you. If you don't like it, you don't like it. You have to deal with it. If your father knows it, you must be disappointed. You can think about it." How to tell your father?" asked Xiao Guizhen.

Gu Fanzhi is on this road, how to eliminate the concerns of the father and mother, and think of a way to retreat.

"Retreat into progress." Gu Fanzhi said four words.

Xiao Gui’s glimpse, and his face smiled. “Yes. You’re going to go now, this matter is not too late. Don’t let the two emperors, the three emperors, and a few others succeed.”

"The children will go."


After coming out of Chuxiu Palace, Gu Fan went straight to the Imperial Study Room.

When the **** supervisor saw Gu Fanzhi, he was busy going forward. "The Four Halls, the Holy Spirit is reading the seal inside. You wait a moment outside and let the old slaves go all night."

"There are laborers in Laoqin."

"The four halls are polite."

After Qin Gonggong entered, he did not see it for a long time, so that the ancient people standing outside the door were very embarrassed.

Did the father know the rumors outside, and deliberately did not see himself?

Gu Fan thought a lot, the more I thought the mood was worse.

When his heart was suffering, Qin Gonggong finally came out.

"The four halls, the Holy Proclamation, you enter the temple."

The four temples followed Qin Gonggong into the study.

"The children have seen the father."

The eyes of the emperor of the Southern Tang Dynasty were lifted from the chapter and looked at the son underneath.

"Get up."

When Gu Fanzhi came together, Wen Xuan Emperor threw a piece of music to the waiter. "Look at this chapter."

(End of this chapter)

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