Chapter 2858 Real World 208

"I am not here to buy things." Beilin just got a shot, and the woman immediately understood.

"You came to teach the family. You want to find them out, you can only go to the government, but you still have to go to the son. The people in the government to guard the security of the government, there are people guarding there all day. If you are two days earlier, you can still make a sigh. Now it will not work."

"Why do the government people cover them and protect them?" Beilin frowned.

"Who knows it. But I heard that it is to ensure that those women who are disfigured can be treated. If Gu Jia is really robbed, those who are disfigured will find someone to pay for it."

Beilin went to Gufu, and if the woman said it, there were people in the door. This is not only to look at the messy people outside, but also to prevent Gu from running away.

Bei Lin’s departure.

Once I got home, I went straight to the study.

"Father, the baby told you a good news."

"What good news?"

Beilin said that he secretly hid himself in the mountains to train his own guards.

"Now those people under the hands of the child, one can meet the three elites of the North." Beilin said with pride.

"Where does the training method come from?" North Xingjun hit the key.

Beilin never concealed in front of his father, but this time hesitated.

When North Xingjun saw his son’s virtue, he guessed what he was doing. “Is that woman right?”

She is the protagonist of what happened in Chang'an City recently. It is difficult to know that she is not known.

He did not expect that the woman was so powerful that she could not only make all kinds of creams, but also be good at medical treatment. Now even the skills of marching and fighting have begun to show up.

The method of training the soldiers from the mouth of Beilin, if used properly, will create a group of elite elites.

"Father, you have guessed it." Beilin was embarrassed to smile.

Some of the North Xingjun’s intent to see through the woman’s intentions, whether it was the pills or herbs she sent, or the methods of training the soldiers who were offered to Beilin, were invaluable.

She gave them unconditionally.

If she wants to rely on them and find a backing in Nantang, then this time with Gu's is an opportunity, an opportunity to rely on, but she did not speak like them.

What is she drawing? !

"This method, in addition to you know that I know, do not want to mention to anyone. As for the guards around you, the order to die, can not be mentioned to anyone, or the military law." North Xing Jun Shen Sheng.

"Yes." Bei Lin just asked, "I am going to try it out on all the North Army."

"No hurry. Now you only take one or two, and give it to the people of the Northern Army. As for the others, don't let them go."

"Yes." Beilin was somewhat disappointed. He didn't understand why his father didn't use this method to train all the soldiers, but he knew that his father must have his reason to do so.

"You told me what she taught you, all of them."


On the other hand, Beiyuyu bought a large amount of medicinal materials outside. Many of the medicinal materials are common medicinal materials, and only a few are precious medicinal materials.

A batch of medicinal materials were all hoarded by her. Xiaomoer looked at the money that they had hard to earn from their homes. So they sneaked out, and now there are very few left.

(End of this chapter)

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