Chapter 2861 Real World 211

He found that the more he contacted her, the more mysterious he felt.

"This time it was still the light of Mrs. Wood." Lei Yuxi was somewhat admired.

One move, directly to a steaming day of Gu's business to fight down.

It is hard for Gu to want to get up.

Because there is her, Gu Shi wants to turn over, I am afraid to pay thousands of times.

This time I saw the contest between the two business women, I only felt that I was hooked.

"Fortunately." Bei Yuyu knew what he wanted to know, and smiled and said: "Occasionally, a woman got a strange disease, and happened to be hit by us, only to know the secret of Gu's rouge."

A sentence perfectly explains why she knows in advance that she will make a series of moves.

In a word, in order to dispel the concerns of these smart people.

“Mrs. Wood is not interested in continuing to manage all the rouge shops in Southern Tang Dynasty.”

"Being powerless. Lei Gongzi is still choosing another person. I just want to teach the ink to be enough, other things, powerless."

Lei Yuzhen does not insist.

"Gu's relationship with the four emperors and Jin Wang is good. This time, between Lei and Gu, I am afraid that they will have a heartbreaking heart. I don't know who is going to be dispatched by Lei Gongzi?"

The meaning of the North Rain is to remind Lei Yu, you must find a powerful person to manage, or you can not resist the counterattack of the people behind Gu.

"Mrs. Wood, I have laid a piece of land for Lei, if it is not easy to grasp, it should not be. I want to let my wife continue to open up the land, but Mrs. Nai has other plans, these things can only let me accept. Dispatch. Others, I am afraid I will ruin the good situation that my wife has laid down."

The northern rain is a bit strange. He is actually preparing to go into the battle. He is sitting in the South Tang Dynasty. Even if Tang Jingyu returns, he is not afraid.

Lei Yuxi gave her the feeling, not just an ordinary businessman, he has a temperament, is the kind of momentum that is all over the world.

This kind of momentum, she has never seen her in the emperor's emperor, but he has a body with the wind, but their identity is not simple.

"There are Lei Gongzi sitting in the town, and the Lei's firm is solid."

After the two men chilled again, Bei Yuqi got up and said goodbye.


Muxiang took the first-hand information and hurriedly entered the door. "Mu sister, I have already inquired, Hongshan Academy, Ziyang Academy, Bailu Academy, these three are the best three colleges in Chang'an City, especially Hongshan. The academy is a gathering of children from all major families. It is extremely difficult to go to the Hongshan Academy. It seems that it is necessary to pass the examination.

"However, with the ability of the young master of the ink, it is sure to enter the Hongshan Academy." Muxiang said with confidence.

"Ink, which school do you want to go to?"

Xiao Moer screamed at the black eyes and bright eyes. "Listen to the mother."

"Are you sure?" Bei Yu said with a smile.

Xiaomoer nodded.

The next day, a group of four people drove away from Chang'an in a horse-drawn carriage. They went to the outskirts of the southern area and walked for dozens of miles before they arrived.

The carriage stopped in front of a mountain gate with a stone monument in front of it and a few words on it.

Ask the Academy!

"What is this word?" asked Daisy curiously.

"Ask the College." Xue Qian said.

"Ask the College." Muxiang exclaimed.

Her reaction seemed to be a bit big, scaring Xue Qian and Xiao Moer to jump, and the two men looked at her with a brushed look.

(End of this chapter)

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