Chapter 2892 Real World 242

This situation can not help but appear in Zhangzhou.

Chongzhou, Yizhou, Zhangzhou, Fengzhou, Jingzhou, etc., wherever there is a disaster, a group of people from Lei’s family emerged, according to the instructions of Lei’s head, like Lei Yu’s, first from the merchants of various states. Produce food, medicine, unused clothes, quilts and other items.

The same routine, eating all the states, let them willingly contribute food, money, and goods.

At the same time, the work on post-disaster reconstruction and post-disaster epidemic prevention is also carried out in accordance with the same routine.

Although in the process, there will be troubles, but those who have been tasked by the Northern Rain, are her early selection, resilience, eloquence are the top choice.

The food and medicinal materials that were hoarded before the northern rains were continuously sent to the major state governments. The people of the major state governments knew that these were the things that Lei Er’s family had sent from their own pockets.

They have not seen Lei’s second home, and they don’t know who Lei’s family is.

Even if someone asks a person from Reyes, what is the name of the second family of Reyes?

The answers they get are the same.

Second, the family will not let us say that the second home is not rewarding, only hope that everyone is safe and able to survive this disaster.

The more so, the status of Lei's second family is higher in the eyes of the people.

Although everyone does not know who she is, all the people remembered the second family.

At the same time, the two murders that took place in Chang'an City were caused by a pair of mothers and sons and spread inside Chang'an City. The wine cellar and the street are all talking about this matter.

"Have you heard that Zhang family was killed. The murderer was extremely cruel, cut Zhang San’s head and cut all his limbs into one piece. Not only killed him, but also his 80-year-old The old mother, wife, and two children were all killed. One of the children was only two years old today, but was killed by the murderer."

"Who is so cruel."

"Scorpio, this murderer is too poisonous, and this is a slap in the face, it should be executed in a late manner."

Someone asked: "Is the murderer caught? Know who is it?"

"I caught it. I heard that the night happened to be hit by the murderer by the next door. Fortunately, the murderer did not see the witness, or the man could not escape."

"That's really a big blessing." Someone said slyly.

"You haven't said who is the murderer?" Someone asked urgently.

"Speaking of this murderer, you will never be shocked to the chin." The man sold a pass.

The acute person urged, "Who is the person, you are saying it. Is it not the royal family? Is it the doorkeeper?"

"No, no, no. The man is a woman, and you all know."

When this is said, the curiosity of all people is completely hooked up.

"Which woman is so embarrassed, and everyone knows."

The man smiled and said, "She is the peach of the former chairman of the Rex Rouge shop."

"No way!"

"Scorpio, how could it be her."

"Brother, are you making the wrong person?"

"This is not very likely. I am looking at the face of Mrs. Wood, not like the kind of sultry person."

The person who broke the news sneered, "There is such a good saying that people can't be seen. The more people who look good, the more vicious inside. She is a typical."

(End of this chapter)

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