Chapter 3064, The Real World 414

Suddenly, a huge fist appeared in front of him and went straight to his door.

It's too fast, and it's too late for him to react.

‘嘭’, the fist fell steadily on his face.

A group of people around watching the crowd, when they heard the sound, the skin did not feel a shake. Although the fist did not fall on his own body, it felt painful to think about it.

As the party's wind detachment is naturally more painful, but he did not care, but with a beggar's face, staring at her persistently.


The northern rain was shaken by the firmness and attachment in his eyes.

She subconsciously wants to break free, the horrible attachment in his eyes, her heart trembled a little, and there was an urge to push him away.

However, she forgot that one of their hands was holding each other tightly, and she was bounced back under the influence of inertia.

The bodies of the two men clung together, even the cheeks were tightly attached.

From the eyes of the outsiders, they saw that the northern rain rushed to the wind and kissed him.

A group of people around me who were eating melons straightened their eyes and looked at her incredulously.

Xiao Moer was shocked by a pair of eyes.

Musk is growing up.

Xue Qian shy to identify the eye.

The hands of the night did not feel that they were clenched into fists.

The wind was divorced and looked at the people in front of me, the deep eyes, staring at her persistently.


The northern rain was really afraid of him, and the pink lips raised a smile.

When the wind diverged to see the smile on her face, she held her hand and slowly released it.

"Why is it different from just seeing it?" The wind whispered in the mouth.

Bei Yuyi got free and stared at him suspiciously.

This guy is fine!

"What is different?" asked Bei Yuyu.

Didn't she just laugh like this?

The wind was so detached that I didn't hear her, step by step and walked to the house.

When he went to Lei Yu's side, Lei Yu saw him lose his soul and looked at him with amazement.

"Is it a shame, in fact, this is no big deal."

Isn't it a kiss by a woman?

The wind was not ignoring him, and he walked into the house.

Everyone looked at Bei Yuyu, a questioning expression of what you did to him.

Bei Yuyu raised his hand ‘surrender’. “I didn’t do anything wrong with him.”

He can't help her.

All the people gave her a contemptuous look.

Hello, hello, what a **** expression you have.

Xiaomoer went to the front of the north rain, "Mother, in fact, the wind teacher is still good."

Musk followed and nodded.

"Madam, you can't bully honest people."

There is no buzz in the dark night.

Lei Yu’s slogan said: “Mrs. Wood, you...hey, forget it, don’t say it.”

After a few people finished, they all went back, leaving behind a slap in the face of the north rain.

Is this group of people crazy?

Bei Yuyu looked at them silently.

A group of people have rebelled!

She talked to her little ink.

"It’s a **** of a ghost." North Yu Yu was speechless.

At dinner time, everyone gathered together, but the wind was not lost.

"Get in."

Everyone didn't move, and they looked at her with a brushed look.

"Look at what I do?" North Rain licked a piece of braised pork into his mouth.

Xiao Moer silently holds a bowl of rice, and the musk is a good bowl of vegetables. The two pushed the bowl to the front of the north rain, and the north rainy looked at them suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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