Chapter 3067, The Real World 417

He then released the second page and it was still blank.

"How come there is no word?!"

Lei Yu's one page turned back, all blank.

"This is not a record post written by your mother, how can there be no words?"

Xiaomo’s black eyes and bright eyes looked at him innocently. “I didn’t say it, it was you.”

Lei Yu looked at him silently.

In fact, Xiao Moer has never figured out one thing.

Before I saw that the mother had written on it, and attached great importance to it.

For it, even sleepless. However, one day, she seemed to have forgotten everything, and she did not care about the notes she had previously valued as a treasure.

It feels so strange!

Xiao Moer has a feeling that it is very important to the mother and must not be lost. Therefore, he has been carrying.

Lei Yuyi did not care to throw the book aside, "a blank note, with what to do."

Xiaomoer picked up, "You won't understand."

It was completely incomprehensible to take care of the blank note with him.

However, since he is willing, as a bystander naturally has no right to interfere.

The northern rain came over and handed it to Lei Yu's book. "This is the recipe I wrote. When the restaurant is opened, I will follow the above. In addition, this is the direction of future restaurant development."

Lei Yuxi refused to accept, "What do you give me, I can go to the man."

"You are gone, who is here to preside over the overall situation?" North Rain did not allow him to refuse, stuffing things into his arms.

"No matter, you are gone, can't leave me alone here. I am too boring here. I have been here for so many years, you are not here, and the Rex business is also good."

Bei Yuyu silently turned a blank eye, "just you. It is exactly what your family opened. However, one thing I have to affirm, the business of the restaurant must be the best."

"Understand and make sure that the people below are doing well."

Lei Yuzhen took things, went to the Qin treasurer, and was ready to hand over such a major task to him.

After an hour, the two carriages left Chang'an City.

The leading bosses of all walks of life in Chang'an City, although they did not agree with Gu Yuran's proposal, but they have a guilty conscience, and have been secretly concerned about the movements of Lei Yu and Bei Yu.

When they left Chang'an City, the leading bosses of all walks of life received news that the business of the restaurant made Qin shopkeeper look. In this way, it is to let them relax their minds, and they are also worried about the blue son.

That guy is purely alarmist.

On the other hand, Gu Ruran did not return overnight. Gu Shi’s people found Tang Jingyu and Gu Fanzhi, hoping they could help find her whereabouts.

After Gu Xiangzhi and Tang Jingyu heard the news of Gu’s disappearance, both of them panicked and sent their men to search.

Soon, they found the body of Chunliu on the back hill of the Jokhang Temple, but they did not see Gu Yanran.

Because Chunliu died in the pavilion, and the side of the pavilion was a cliff, the people under the mountain had never seen her down the mountain, and there was no body around. The only possibility was that she was under the cliff.

Gu Fanzhi’s eyes were red and he shouted at the guard: “Look, continue to find. Live to see people, die to see the dead.”

Tang Jingyu stood on the edge of the cliff and looked at the abyss, and the heart sank a little.

You can't die, how can you die so easily!

Ps: There are, and still, wait a moment...

(End of this chapter)

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