Chapter 3096 Real World 446

Xiao Muxiang said: "Our wood sister is much more beautiful than the Miss North."

The wind divorced the gaze and stared at her.

The northern rain **** put a piece of meat into her bowl. "Or our little musk has a vision."

Xiao Muxiang smiled.

The scholars on the side heard their conversation, their brows were slightly wrinkled, and some people even found the sound of 'cutting, cutting'.

"It’s a big deal."

Xiao Muxiang wanted to refute and was stopped by the Northern Rain. Others were also warned by the North Rain, and did not dare to speak.

The scholars at the table saw that they did not speak and smiled contemptuously.

"They still have self-knowledge," said the former scholar.

"Fan Yi, okay." The young man in white, handsome and handsome.

The scholar named Fan Yi closed his mouth.

The next morning, the outside was already crowded. Everyone left the inn early and rushed to the place where the flower gods were elected. A group of people in the north rain, sitting in the empty hall.

Xue Qianhuan looked around and said, "Is it too late for us?"

The folks on the side smiled and said: "The guest officer is that they started early. Every day, everyone is rushing to the flower-picking temple. How many guest officials are coming to the state of Shuozhou for the first time?"

Xiao Muxiang nodded. "Yes. We are coming for the first time, and we are going to spend the time to spend the temple."

"Oh, then you can get past faster. Otherwise, even the side of the flower temple can't be seen big," the man reminded.

"We will go after breakfast." Xiao Yuxiang smiled.

The buddy saw that their group of people was not flustered. They shook their heads and thought that they really didn’t know the horror of the flower temple. When they saw it later, they knew that they are now here. How much time is wasted eating.

In the north rain, I saw Xiao Moer and Xiao Muxiang put down the chopsticks. "Is it full?"

Xiao Muxiang wiped his mouth and nodded.

Xiao Moer whispered his little head.

"Let's go." Bei Yuyu stood up, and Xiao Yuxiang and Xiao Moer followed up.

Lei Yu was busy shouting: "Wait a minute, we haven't had enough."

"You eat slowly, let's take a step first."

"Don't you go together?"

Bei Yuyu looked at him with a sly look. "Lee Gongzi, how old are you?"

Lei Yuwei looked at her with vigilance and always felt traps. "What are you doing?!"

"He has twenty or three." The wind has been squandered and ‘sold’ his teammates.

"Twenty-three-year-old Lei Yuxi, a small friend, going out to visit the temple will take the lead with the adults. This is not acceptable. You have to learn to be independent, you know?" Bei Yu's slogan patted his shoulder.

"No, I am..."

After waiting for Lei Yuzhen to finish talking, the wind stood up and took a shot of his shoulder in the same position.

"Lei Yu's children, you must learn to be independent." After the talk, the wind drifted away with the north rain.

Then, in the same position in the dark night, he patted him on the shoulder.

"Learn to be independent."

Subsequently, Xue Qian took another shot, "Independence."

Lei Yu opened his mouth and wanted to talk, and each time they were taken a step by step.

After they left, Lei Yuzhen was in a state of ‘I’m going crazy.’

"Ah! I am not a child."

When the group of people from the north rains just walked out of the inn, they heard the sound of a grievance in the inside.

Xue Qian asked with some worries: "He won't have an accident?"

(End of this chapter)

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