Chapter 816 Dark Emperor 83

"That's a change of water."

Since he can't continue to give him hope, let him forget everything and forget her existence.

Without love, it will not hurt.

[Do you really want to do this? After you give up the mission, you will deduct 100 points and you only have 58 points remaining. These 58 points, really want to use you? 】

"Change." North Rain's low voice said, the tone is abnormally firm, but the seemingly indifferent and firm tone is a thick bitterness.

[A bottle of love water, deduct 50 points. 】


Bei Yuyu took back his thoughts, turned his head and looked at the person sticking to his side, took his hand off his body, and then pushed him away from the kitchen. "You stay here again, we will be hungry tonight." ”

Hughes stole a kiss on her face and turned to leave with satisfaction.

Bei Yu Yan looked at the back of the departure, returned to the kitchen, looked at the bowl of soup in the pot, and added a porcelain bottle in his hand. Her hand holding the porcelain bottle was shaking slightly.

Forget the water, forget all the sorrows, forget the love.

Without her world, he can live well, not suffering, not uncomfortable.

Drip, a drop of tears and the forgetful water fall into the soup, and soon merge with the delicious soup, colorless and tasteless.

At the table, Hughes wanted to help, but she refused.

"For more than two months, I am enjoying your service. I am serving my dear husband today." Bei Yuyu smiled and looked at him.

Hughes asked: "What the night?"

When he saw his expression, he saw what he thought in his heart. If you change to the past, you have already blocked his mouth with food. Today, she smiled and said: "Bao Jun is satisfied."

Hughes’ eyes suddenly turned a blind eye and she was looking forward to her ‘service’ tonight.

The northern rain swelled a bowl full of soup, walked to his side, sat on his lap, smiled and smiled. "Open your mouth."

It is a great enjoyment for the beauty to send a hug and serve diligently.

Hughes opened her mouth and enjoyed her service.

“Is it delicious?” asked Bei Yuyu softly.

Hughes nodded, "It's delicious."

Today she is very beautiful, so beautiful that he can't open his eyes.

A bite and a mouthful were fed into his mouth, and she smiled at her lips, his eyes reflected deeply in his eyes. Even if her heart is crying, her sweetest smile hangs in her eyes and lips.

When the bowl of soup in the bowl bottomed out, she got up from him. When her body left, Hughes's pupils shrank, and the line of sight in front of her eyes began to blur.

At that moment, Hughes realized what it was, and a fear swept his heart. It seemed that something had been stripped from his body.

He looked at her with a gaze, and he rushed forward, trying to catch her, shaking his body, letting him rush, and the whole man fell to the ground.

It is only a few steps away, as if it is across thousands of mountains and waters.

"Hey, boy..."

"No, don't go." The weak voice, begging.

Bei Yu Yan stood in the same place looking at him, his eyes long clear tears.


"No..." He tried to keep himself awake. After all, he was not able to resist the onset of medicine. The line of sight in front of him was gradually blurred, and only the darkness was left.

Before squinting his eyes, his hand finally caught the corner of her skirt, and the shackles were tight and tight.


Ps: I read the comments of the little goblins, there are a few points to explain.

About you, let Yu Yu and BOSS live happily after fifteen years of life.

Ink just wants to say, the little goblins, you want to die in the rain.

First, if you really love someone, you will not think that the person you love will die.

Second, the rain is currently in a very bad situation.

She has no points, and her life in reality is only a month. If it is wasted here for fifteen years, it is half a month in reality. Once the next mission fails, she has no time to enter the third mission world, there is no room for manoeuvre.

Rain will not be able to revenge and can no longer live.

As for the reward of the squad before the rain, those things are sold, and only can fill the amount of her deduction points. If there is no such thing to support her, let her be willful.

The rain will be faced with the situation of killing BOSS by hand.

Therefore, she has no time to waste it.

This is the best ending.

Ps: The two owed yesterday were added. Don't owe it now. Hahahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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