Chapter 822 Real World 4

After leaving the rain, Beiyu went to the market to buy fish, grabbed chickens and ducks, and bought some rice noodles. When she returned home, the sun had set. Far away, I saw a small figure standing at the door.

When the little man at the door was seeing the northern rain coming from afar, the black scorpion of Wu slip suddenly lit up and hurriedly ran towards her.

Bei Yuyu looked at the little guy who was flying around. "Slow down, don't fall."

Going to the front, Xiaomoer looked up at the red face, "Mother, I will help you."

"My family is really filial." Bei Yuyu handed the light things to his hands.

One big one and one small stepping on the sunset, walking toward the broken house.

When the rain was in the bath, he felt a little sleepy, and some of them fell asleep, until they heard the kid yelling and woke up. When I woke up, I saw that the water in the tub was dark.

How is this going? !

Bei Yuyu raised his hand and saw his skin smoother and more delicate than before. When she got up, she found that her body was like a belly with three swimming rings.

Just then, the sound of the system sounded in my mind.

[The first form of the cold ice palm, you have learned. It will remove some of the toxins from your body to improve your physique so that you can apply the ice palm to the extreme. 】

[Every time you enter the Jin level, your body will change once. When you fully grasp the cold ice palm, your whole body will be like an ice machine, and the skin will reveal the water. 】

"Thank you." North Rain whispered a thank you.

[The host does not need to be so polite. As a system, this is what it should be. 】

[Host, you still have three days, you have to enter the mission three days later, otherwise, you do not have enough time to carry out the next mission. 】

"I know."

When Yu Yuyu got dressed and walked into the inner room, he saw Xiaomoer already wearing pajamas and sitting on the bed waiting for her. When the little guy saw her, the eyes suddenly lit up.


Bei Yuyu directly sat on the bed. He had already laid the bed. She looked at the little body of Xiaomoer and stretched out her hand to pinch the flesh of his body. Xiaomoer felt itchy, but the little guy was forbearing. Let the hand of Bei Yuyu squeezing on his body and pinching it.

After the pinching, Bei Yuxi smiled and said: "Long flesh."

During this time, there are fish and meat, and the food is full, and the body of the little one grows very fast.

"I will hold my hand in the future."

Xiao Moer’s heart is still worried that her mother will not disappoint him for eating more recently. After hearing her words, she finally feels relieved.


During the three days, Beiyuyu was making liquid medicine. By the middle of noon on the third day, Beiyuyu took all the liquids from the past few days.

After seeing a dozen bottles of liquid medicine, the king's treasurer shone with a pair of eyes, and the flesh of the excited face was shaking.

"Mrs. Wood, next time you want to bring more, just fine."

The north rain 棠 did not respond, "The king treasurer, these are all three days and three nights, I did not sleep before I came out. Remind, must be used up as soon as possible, otherwise there will be no effect. Half a month These must be made into ice cream."

"Okay, no problem."

When the rain came to the north, the king treasurer remembered it and there was one thing that did not ask her.

(End of this chapter)

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