Chapter 847 Mary Sushen 25

Bi Siyu and her are the same thoughts. I want to push the North Rain to go inside and enter the inside. It is a pity that the preparation of the North Rain will probably make her successful, but then this force will push her out.

Bi Siyu looked at Bei Yuyu into the formation of the law, and then saw the North Rain inadvertently stumbled on a wall of an organ, under her body lit a dazzling light.

When Bi Siyu saw the light, he desperately wanted to rush into the array, but was blocked by the law.

Cao Yichen and Lin Chao immediately stopped her.

Bi Siyu looked at the rain and disappeared from her eyes.

However, her appearance at this time falls in the eyes of Cao Yichen and others, that is, it is sad for the north rain. As everyone knows, she is in distressed, distressed and big chance to pass by.

In the past life, Bi Siyu pushed the northern rains out. Cao Yichen and others are blaming the northern rain, thinking that she killed Bi Siyu, and the original Lord was very moved and embarrassed because of Bi Siyu's own "helping himself", and they were allowed to blame.

After killing the stone brothers and sisters, several people spent a whole day and a night to undo the ban. When they saw the transmission array on the ground, the transmission array was still broken and could not be used.

At this time, the cave brothers did not expect their reaction to be so fast.

The two men are not good at seeing the situation and want to escape. Zhao Yun and others may have let go, like the previous life, they killed the stone brothers and sisters. It’s just that I don’t care about the rescue of the North Rain.

At the same time, after the north rain whirls, it appears in a dark chamber, like a sense of popularity, and an orange light on the wall illuminates the entire chamber.

Looking around the circle, it is a stone room, the walls are empty, and the entire stone room is empty. There is a stone plaque in front of the stone room, which is the only thing that can be seen in the stone room.

When seeing this stone sarcophagus, the northern rain scorpion looked a little stunned and his head had a moment of sorrow.

How is this going? !

Shouldn't she appear in front of a treasure house that is a magic weapon?

What is going on now? !

Bei Yuyu looked at this inexplicable stone room, and then looked at the stone sarcophagus placed in the middle. There was an indescribable surprise. The keen sixth sense told myself that the stone sarcophagus was very dangerous.

Bei Yuyi still believes in his instincts. He dares not touch the stone sarcophagus, but seeks out the organs in the stone room. However, invisible, there seems to be something that is pulling her past.

When the northern rains reached halfway, the spirits shuddered.

When I saw that I was halfway through, I soon touched Shijie, and she was so surprised that she quickly stayed away from the stone.

Sure enough, her instincts are not wrong.

This stone sarcophagus has problems, and actually confuses himself without knowing it. It is estimated that when she approaches, her life may not be gone.

There is such a strange stone sarcophagus staying with him, so that the north rain eagerly wants to leave this place.

She continued to look for exports, but the exit was not found, but she was once again tempted by the sarcophagus and headed for it.

Fortunately, at the last moment, wake up.

This is the northerly rain, the more taboo on this stone.

The north rain began to smother the screen, staring at the stone sarcophagus, and wanted to see what strange place there was. After a few breaths, I saw her clear eyes slowly becoming sluggish, and the body seemed to be summoned to step by step toward Shijie.

Ps: eighth more...

The ninth will be updated with the eighth of tomorrow. Just update in the early morning...

Please wait a moment...

Murye found that he really is not suitable for writing immortals...o(╯□╰)o......

(End of this chapter)

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