Chapter 853 Mary Su Xiuzhen 31

At the same time, a golden sight, silently wrapped around her body, directly controlled her whole person.

‘咻’, the body of Beiyu’s body flew up and went towards the stone room.

With a bang, her body hit the stone sarcophagus.

The arm was wounded by the sword, and a long mouth was opened. The bright red blood rushed out, stained in the clothes, and also stained with the ancient stone sarcophagus.

Because of the escape of the northern rain, the seven stopped the guilt.

Zhao Fanghai said palely to a few people: "Let's check to see if the ring is true or not."

"You have all been on her. I have never taken her storage ring at all." Zhao Yumei is like finally getting the opportunity, said in a hurry.

The five people looked at each other. Among them, Meng Zhentian, who was the highest in the game, held the storage ring in his hand. He could explore it without spending a trace of his aura. When I saw those things in the storage ring, my brows wrinkled.

The purple man asked: "How?"

Meng Zhentian handed the ring to other people. When they saw the things inside, their faces were black. There are too few things in the storage ring, it is simply awkward.

If there is nothing good about this girl, they absolutely don't believe it.

A small steamed bun that can take out a violent nine-day smog is definitely more than that.

They were all played by a little girl.

Zhao Yumei sees this, and the wind ignites: "You have been cheated by her. She just wants to let us guilty, so take the baby out of here."

The ghost old yin test stares at the north rain.

The northern rains only felt like they were being stared by a poisonous snake, raising a chill.

"A small base-building monk, and dare to play smart in front of some of our real people." Said, the old man used to rise up a black gas.

When he saw that he was about to shoot, Meng Zhentian grabbed his hand.

"Ghost second, keep her first. She is useful to us."

Ghost second coldly glanced at Meng Zhentian, and took a look at the north rain, and finally retracted his hand, just said gloomy: "For the time being, let you live a few more hours."

The north rain squats on the sarcophagus, and the murderous pain of the internal organs is like a knife that smashes her internal organs.

Zhao Yumei is not going to spare this dead girl.

"It is a curse to keep this hoe. We still kill it first, then open the sarcophagus." Zhao Yumei said coldly.

The purple man took the golden thread back from her body and said slowly: "That can't be done. The shortcut to leave here depends on her."

They have dozens of people in their line, and they are all around Jindan. However, after entering here, there are countless deaths and injuries, and this gimmick can actually appear here safely. How can it be so easily killed?

Maybe they can find more secrets from her, maybe.

Zhao Yumei said coldly: "This is not easy, directly search for the soul."

When the north rains heard her words, the pupils did not feel that they were shrinking.

Soul Soul is the taboo of the realm of cultivation. Anyone who is a soul after being searched for by the soul will become an idiot directly, and the soul of bad luck will fly away. In reality, all who are searched for souls can't escape the fate of the soul.

Bei Yuyu looked at her coldly, and there was no anger in her eyes. She said calmly: "Searching for the soul is a good idea. But I don't know who you are coming from? After all, this is only one chance. Can't be human People come once."

(End of this chapter)

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