Chapter 902 Mary Su Xiuzhen 80

It was the first time that the sky had been disgusted with people.

The face of Baili's search for maple became pale. He did not dare to look at the north rain, and he did not dare to face the master.

"Hundreds of miles to find maple, you can find a hundred miles to find the maple." North Wenyuan sound overflowing from the gap between the teeth, a pressure of the magical period of the rush to the hundred miles to find the maple.

Baili's body was slightly trembled, his face became pale, and he was hard to support the pressure of the period of the gods. The red blood of the lips was overflowing.

Xuankong saw that he was injured, and his heart could not bear it. He could not open his mouth for him. He could only ask for help from Xuan Qingzi.

Xuan Qingzi looked at his younger brother and sighed in his heart. He didn't have the first time to plead for him. If this tone made North Wenyuan vent, I am afraid that things are not so easy to end.

Xuan Qingzi counted the time. When the search for Feng in the hundred miles was about to support it, he said: "The Northern Elders, the hundred miles, we will give the rain a fair."

Bei Wenyuan naturally understands what he means, and he does not look at the Buddha face. This face is still to be given to the head.

He snorted and took back the pressure.

Everyone's eyes were gathered on the north rain and the hundred miles of the maple, and the bright red clothes on them were particularly dazzling.

Bei Yuyu’s voice was cold and said: “Since the brothers of Baili and Bi Shimei are in love, if I don’t know anything, then it’s really my fault. Brother Baili, you like Bi Shimei, you can tell me. I’m not raining. If you can't let go, this is the case, today's double repair ceremony ends here."

Baili searched for a look of anxiously looking at her.

Bei Yuyu ignored him and turned around and looked at everyone. "Sorry, let everyone run for a while."

After the rain was finished, he ignored it and went out of the ceremony proudly.

Everyone looked at her straight back, the thin back, with an unspeakable desolate and desolate.

The sky looked at the back of her departure, and there was a sting in her heart.

Before the sky left, the cold left a word.

“When did you think that the cliff became a place where men and women loved it?!”

Xuan Qingzi and a group of people excited and shivering, everyone was aware of the dissatisfaction of the elders. Xuan Qingzi is trying to say something, others have disappeared from the main position.

The sky left, but the one he left behind reminded everyone in the hidden fairy door.

The disciples under the door soon reacted.

"It’s just too elder to mean..."

"Stupid! Didn't you find out that Baili and Feng Siyu were in that place, and they thought about the cliff."

"I am going! They are too bold."

"It’s not only thinking about the cliff but not thinking about it. It’s also the place where the two of them fit together. It’s really...”

"I just said that the place is familiar. It turned out to be a cliff."

"It’s enough to find the maples, and I’m really good at thinking about the cliffs, and doing that kind of thing.”

Xuankong heard the disciples of the disciples below, and an old face did not know where to put it.

On the other hand, the northern rain that came out of the main hall did not return to the Dongfu, but went in the direction of the emperor. The sky has been following her, watching her enter the battle, watching her sit alone on the wooden pier.

Her eyes looked at the direction of Tianzifeng, and the mouth whispered unconsciously: "The brothers said that when people are sad, they will shed tears. I am not sad at all, really."

The sky saw her eyes flashing with tears, barely leaning her head, not letting tears fall from the eyelids.

(End of this chapter)

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