Chapter 907 Mary Su Xiuzhen 85

The north rain squats on the wall of the cave, and it is impossible to move, and there is no ability to resist him.

When the ghost sees this, the maniac laughs. "The little beauty doesn't escape. Well, I will serve the deity well today. If it is good, the deity will consider leaving you a life."

Ghost sees a metamorphosis hobby. Any woman who meets with him, after enjoying the joy of bliss, will **** her blood without mercy, and the means is very cruel.

No, can't let him get close to himself.

Once her body is occupied by him, he will discover her secrets and will embark on the old path of the original Lord. She didn't want to die so badly.

The front is a dead end, and the back is also a dead end.

The northern rain smashed a glimpse of the color.

As he approached, the northern rains had already mobilized a few auras. She wants to blew herself up and die with him.

It’s a very good idea to know a woman, especially a fierce woman.

Suddenly, he shot her own and directly controlled her self-destruction.

"Haha, I want to play in front of me, you are too tender."

A long time ago, I almost died in a self-destruction of a female repair, but fortunately he escaped. The woman was killed, but the bad smell has not yet come out.

Ghost sees the door directly to the door to destroy the female family.

This incident angered the decent monk and sent two monks of the gods to kill him. This pursuit, after a full pursuit of a hundred years, then gradually subsided.

It was from that time that the ghosts would prevent the woman from repairing this hand.

Bei Yu's body was already under his control. He looked at the ugly face and approached him a little bit. When he touched her face, his body slammed.

The ghost saw her open and looked away from the cave.


Only a fierce attack was responded to him.

The ghost saw a cold cry and removed the power of the attack. Bei Yuyu saw a slender figure appear in the hole. Because of the backlash of the hole, she only saw a silhouette, but could not see his appearance, but the moiré under his white robe. Recognize.

It is him, he is coming.

Knowing that he came, the person who has been strong, can no longer control, and passed out.

When Bei Yuhua woke up again, she had already returned to her own Dongfu.

As soon as you open your eyes, you will be on a pair of dark and dark.

"What happened?" The voice asked coldly.

When she thought of three days ago, she was stunned and picked up by the sky. The heart of her heart was like being burnt.

After two seconds of rain in the north, the memory came back and told her what happened to her.

"Ghosts see you!" Someone gnawed his teeth and spit out three words.

He dropped seven or eight bottles of medicinal herbs, and the tone of alms said: "Take you."

After that, the path went straight out.

One foot crossed the Dongfu and suddenly turned his head. Lengsen’s order said: "This time is a good time to retreat in Dongfu. Oh, it’s a shame to be chased."

Bei Yuyu saw that his figure disappeared, and he did not see the traces of the next few days. He wanted to leave the hidden fairy. Of course she didn't care, where did he go.

After the Northern Rains raised their injuries, they went to Tianzifeng.

When she appeared, the water mirror lit up.

The sky looked at the innocent people in the mirror, and the frowning brows stretched out.

(End of this chapter)

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