Chapter 909 Mary Su Xiuzhen 87

At the time of the experience, Bei Yuyu had already inquired about the Sixth Monster. Now that the ghost is dying, she can go to another five.

After all, with such a strong bodyguard following her, safety is absolutely guaranteed. At the same time, she can also practice her boldly, without worrying about death.

This is a good thing to do both, and it is a fool.

Just do it, but she can't deliberately let the people behind her notice that she is deliberately close to the Magic Road. After all, she was going to kill the Magic Six by his hand.

If you are seen by the other party, it is not a free hitter.

The first demon repair happened to be his apprentice. When he was on the road, he killed him. Unfortunately, the demon is such an apprentice and a guardian.

Naturally, it will not let go of the northern rain, and the northern rain will be chased all the way, and the people behind her have never shot. If the system says that he has been following, she must think that he is gone.

When her life was about to hang up, he shot and destroyed the magic.

When she woke up, nothing changed, and the whole body was still embarrassed. The only difference was that the magic was gone.

Sometimes people's luck comes, it is really blocked and can't stop.

She has not yet gone to find a second magic repair, the magic repair first came to the door. The final result is again destroyed.

The third place did not have such good luck. It was the northern rain that did not look at it. After all thoughts, ‘inadvertently’ offended the magic repair and was chased.

When the northern rains are dying, the third demonics hangs first.

The fourth and fifth places, like the third magical repair, use the unused events to let the people behind them shoot them out.

The six demons who killed the original Lord died in the past.

In the process of their pursuit, Bei Yuyu also showed signs of breakthrough. Since there are signs of breakthrough, Bei Yuyi did not return to the Zongmen retreat, but chose a mountain with abundant aura and opened a cave house.

The person hidden in the air, when she saw her move, knew that she was ready to break through.

This idiot woman, do not know that it is very dangerous outside.

Once you are promoted to the Yuan Ying period, you will use the levy of the thunder, which will cause the attention of the monk who is a hundred miles. When the breakthrough is the most vulnerable time of the monk, once it is attacked, it will fall in all likelihood.

In the realm of comprehension, only scattered, or for special reasons can not be returned to the Zongmen, will choose to break through.

When Bei Yuyu arranged the defense ban, she said to the people in the sky: "Predecessors, I know that you have been there. Thank you for protecting me along the way. I am going to hit the Yuan Ying period now, you must Will continue to protect me, right?!"

Hidden in the dark, looking at the hustle and bustle of her eyes, a burst of speechless.

This idiot woman is not afraid of him a bad mood, directly abandoned.

After so many times, Bei Yuyu had already guessed, who is behind the people. Since he does not show up, she does not know that it is right to treat him as a mysterious predecessor.

Do all the preparations, and there are defensive guards in the dark, and the beginning of Beiyu’s peace of mind begins to impact the Yuan Ying period.

This time, the impact of the Yuan Ying period, it took a full year to precipitate, and then launched the final impact. Under the head of her head slowly showed a white fat, and the little one who grew up with the northern rain, the world changed.

(End of this chapter)

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