Chapter 926 Real World 1

[Congratulations to the host, successfully completed the task. The satisfaction of this mission is 90, and I get 130 points. The host can control one hundred and forty-three points. 】

[Congratulations to the host, complete the sideline task, this point rewards a bottle of **** drunk. 】

[Based on the ratio of the host completion time to the original death time, this time is 11 days. Is the host continuing or resting? 】


This task time can be said to be the longest time she has spent so far. It took a full 11 days, and the time to cultivate the fairy was really a flick.

The north rain opened her eyes and heard the low sobs in her ears. She felt a pair of soft little hands and wiped her cheeks.

After seeing her waking up, Xiaozi ink brightened her eyes and wiped the tears in her eyes. "Mother."

The north rain squats and sits up, only feels that the body is slightly stiff, and Xu is lying for too long.

"Are you crying?" Bei Yuying looked at his red eyes, and his long eyelashes were still with tears. She reached out and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Mother-in-law." Xiaozi ink looked at the mother to wake up, my heart is very happy, has been carrying the heart, and finally put down. He is worried, worried, and the mother will not sleep.

Kitakyu knows that he slept too long this time and scared him.

She looked at the bright weather outside and looked at him in confusion. "Master, what happened there?"

The little boy inked his body and fell silent. He looked down at her silently. "Mother, the child is wrong."

Said, the little guy slammed down.

The northern rain frowned and wrinkled. "Ink, mother, what did you say?"

Hearing the harsh voice of the mother, Xiaozi ink looked up and looked at her. Then, stood up from the ground.

"Mother, me, me..."

"There is gold in the knees of the man. Don't squat easily. Do you understand?" Bei Yuyu reached out and bounced off the dust on his knees.

The kid nodded.

"Have you and the Master asked for a few days of vacation?" Bei Yuyu continued to ask. Needless to say, I guess, this little guy didn't go to school because of her sake.

Xiaozi ink honestly confessed, "The child does not know how long the mother will wake up, not clear to the husband for a few days. Now the mother kisses, the baby will return to school tomorrow."

The northern rain licked the little guy's head and whispered: "Ink, mother, this disease, the longest time will sleep for fifteen days, you don't have to worry about it for fifteen days."

The kid ink reacted very quickly, and immediately asked: "What will happen to the mother for more than fifteen days?"

This is to block the north rain, she did not know how to tell him.

Looking at the fears and fears in his eyes, Bei Yuyu could not bear to tell him.

"No. Up to fifteen days. You will wake up within fifteen days."

The kid nodded, but in the bottom of his heart he silently recorded this day. Although the mother did not tell him, what would happen after fifteen days, but there was a hunch in his heart.

The answer, he didn't dare to think about it, and he didn't want to think about it, just like the mother-in-law, avoiding the sensitive forbidden land.


There was a sound in the north rain, and the voice was so loud that both of them heard it clearly.

"Mother, I will give you a meal."

Said, waiting for the north rain to open the mouth, the little guy ran out of the smoke, and soon the little guy carried a bowl of porridge and a pancake into the house.

(End of this chapter)

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