Chapter 929 Real World 4

I saw two men slowly coming out from behind her.

The two did not think of it at all and would be aware of her.

North Yu Yan looked at the two, one tall and one thin, wearing a linen, looked at her with a bad look.

"Hey, the little lady knows our buddies."

The two looked at her like a fish on the cutting board. It’s strange to blame her for being too lucky, knowing that they are behind me, but walking into this dead alley.

"Hand over the money from you," said the tall man.

"Don't say you have no money, we saw it, you have a lot of money in your pocket."

When she bought food in Beiyu, she noticed her bulging purse, and there was a lot of money in it. The two followed the road and waited until the sparsely populated areas were ready to start. I didn't expect her to go to this place first, but it was convenient for their actions.

"Do you want money?" Bei Yuyu took the purse from his waist and put it in his hand.

The eyes of the two men stared at the purse in her hand, and the eyes were full of greed.

"The money is here, there is the ability to come over and take it."

Two pairs of eyes glanced, and a sneer smirked at the lips. "It seems that you want us to be rough."

When the voice fell, the two men rushed up at the same time, blocking the way from left to right, leaving her nowhere to escape. As they approached, the northern rain smashed his body and hit a palm in his hand, directly hitting his heart.

"Beep", the man's body flew out. Another man's fist also came to the front of the north rain, her body leaned back, avoiding his attack, the other hand hit his back.

The man rushed forward like a cockroach, his body has not stabilized, his **** has been smashed, and the whole person flew straight out.

The two understand this, they met the opponent.

After a few minutes, the two men kneel on the ground, rubbing their hands and feet, and the painful snoring in the mouth.

The two saw her coming over, scared to cover the red face, "women are forgiving!"

They thought she was just an ordinary peasant woman, and she knew that under her fat body, she actually had such a skill. If she knew that she was so powerful, they would not dare to beat her idea.

"Female, forgive me."

Bei Yuyu looked at the two, "Go."

"Thank you for the woman."

The two got the approval and ran away.

When the two left, Beiyu picked up things and returned home, but she just found out that she was still behind.

She stopped and turned to look at the deserted loess road, whispering: "Come out."

No one responded and there was no movement.

The northern rain gaze swept past the place where the man was hiding and continued to move forward. The other party was still behind her, and a stone in the hands of Bei Yuying flew out and heard a sigh.

I heard that the man left the warehouse, and the north rain turned his head and looked at the direction in which the man left.

Who is going to follow her?

Is it the person of the Ree business? !

Along the way, Bei Yuying paid special attention to the movement behind him, and determined that no one would enter his village. It seems that someone is eyeing her, I don’t know who it is, and what.

In the evening, Bei Yuying made a delicious meal for Xiaozi Mo. After the meal, the two started walking and practicing again. Bei Yuyu looked at the woman in the mirror, and the spots on her face had faded. Even the obese body gradually faded.

(End of this chapter)

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