Chapter 931 Real World 6

The northern rain squatted in the direction of his fingers and whispered: "Yes."

In the tea house, the two sit by the window and the tea is overflowing. The north rains slowly and squats, and there is no intention to ask.

The man sitting opposite is seeing this, his eyebrows are slightly picking.

He thought she would open her mouth first, but she didn't expect her to be calm, calm and calm, which made him somewhat surprised.

The identity of this woman is very mysterious. They only found her surnamed wood. As for what she is called and who she is, she has no way of knowing.

It was hard to wait until she appeared, sending someone to follow her, but she was not aware of it. Now that she is seeing her, Gu Qing still concludes that she is not an ordinary person.

Gu Qing said: "The surname of Gu is the person in charge of the Star City of Gu's Commercial Bank. This time I came to want to make a deal with Mrs. Wood."

Bei Yuyu did not answer, but asked: "The last person, is your person?"

Gu Qing wants to deny that she can only nod her face when she looks at her like a torch.

"I am sorry for the last time. I want the following people to ask Mrs. Wood to come to the door and talk about a business. I didn't want to make an oolong, but I still want to see Mrs. Mu." Gu Qing said sincerely. .

Bei Yuyu looked at the people in front of him, and he looked pretty and handsome. The eyebrows were similar to those of Gu Yuran.

Gu Qing.

Her heart gently recited his name, thinking a little, finally remembering who he is. He is not the cousin of Gu Ruran, who travels all the year round, and is rarely in the government.

No wonder there is no impression at first sight.

Gu Qing, that is Gu Yuran's right arm, the most indispensable talent in her business empire. It is said that he is very talented in doing business and often gets a lot of rare things.

It seems that this young master has taken a fancy to her ice cream.

"Let's say, your purpose." Bei Yuyu slowly put down the tea in his hand.

Gu Qingguan's look, she can't see her emotions, and she doesn't study anymore. "Ice muscle cream is from your hand. We want to work with you to develop ice cream."

"You have come a step late. I already have the object of cooperation."

Gu Qing did not care about her words, confidently said: "They can give you a share, we can also give you. And 30% higher than them."

Gu Shi’s person is really amazing, and she actually knows the agreement between her and Lei’s firm. Fortunately, at the time, she did not know her identity to the people of the Ree business.

If they are known by them, today's Gu Shi, I am afraid not to invite her, but to visit directly.

“Three percent?” The north rain squats slightly, “it’s a tempting number.”

Gu Qing looked at her with patience, did not urge, did not bother, let her think slowly.

After half a ring, the north rain whispered: "Unfortunately, I am a principled person. Since I cooperate with the Lei's business, I will not repent in the middle."

The smile on Gu Qing’s face faded a little. “No longer consider it? Mrs. Mu, our Gu’s business can be bigger than the Lei’s business. Lei’s firm is one of the best firms in the Great Zhou Dynasty, but it’s in our southern Tang Dynasty. Not on the number. But our Gu is not the same."

"Once you work with us, you will get a much higher return than Ray's."

Bei Yuyu shook his head. "You said it is good. Working with you will definitely make me earn more, but I have my principles."

"You don't think about it anymore?" Gu Qing's smiling smile reveals a cold light.

(End of this chapter)

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