Chapter 933: The Emperor's Heart Tips 1

In the evening, Bei Yuyu made a decision and entered the mission.

"Ink, my mother kissed me again. Practice well, do you know?" North rain shouted.

The kid inked and nodded. "Mother kisses you, the baby will not slack off."

"Hey. Sleep."

The two lay in bed and closed their eyes.

The voice of the voice sounded.

[Do you enter the mission world? 】


[Transmission begins. Countdown, ten, nine, eight, seven...]

After a familiar turn of the sky, the north rain waking up, just in the moment of waking up, the headache is cracking, and there seems to be something pressing her.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a fat-faced face appearing in front of my eyes. At this point, the man's salted pig's hand was moving down her lower abdomen.

The northern rain was almost an instinctive reaction. He lifted his foot and went up. He heard a pig-like scream in the mouth of the man above his head.

The obese man caught the injured lower body and bent over his waist.

The northern rain squats and sits up, only feels weak and weak, it seems that all the strength is used on that foot. Looking around the surroundings, dim light, wine bottles on the floor.

Looking at this environment, I have already guessed where this place is.

The obese man who had been attacked fell to the ground and finally sighed with anger. He yelled at the rain in the north: "Northern rain licks you this stinky scorpion, don't give your face a shame. Dare to beat Laozi, Lao Tzu lets you mix in this circle. Go on."

The north rain frowned, and the cold eyes looked at him. He was preparing to go over the lessons of this fat-headed man. He just stood up, his limbs were soft and fell directly on the sofa.

There was a dizziness in front of me, and this feeling was obviously taken down by people.

The man who looked at the fat head in the north rain sullenly walked toward himself with a sullen face.

No, you must not faint in the past. Once you lose your consciousness, you will become the fish on the cutting board of others, let him slaughter.

The north rains a heart, picking up the bottle on the table, slamming, and the broken glass splashes.

Wang Fuhai was shocked by her actions and did not dare to go forward.

"What do you want?!" Wang Fuhai watched the little girl with vigilance.

The northern rain smashed the glass shards and cut the palms with the sharp pointed ends. The red blood overflowed, accompanied by a burst of tingling. The pain from the hand irritated her nerves and made her consciousness awake.

The north rain scorpion took the glass piece with blood, and the shawl was distributed, and walked toward Wang Fuhai step by step.

Xu is her eyes are too fierce, looks too infiltrated, Wang Fuhai unconsciously stepped back two steps, "You, what do you want? I tell you, if you dare to move me, I let you mix in this circle Can't go on."

The north rain slammed him coldly, pushed him away, opened the door, and walked out of the box.

As soon as the box was out, the outside was noisy, and the men and women in the dance floor clung to the dance. The northern rain faltered and stumbled toward the door.

Wang Fuhai, who came back from the gods, cursed in his mouth and immediately called people.

"Give me the little girl back."

Bei Yuyu saw the person who was chasing him behind him. He licked his teeth and tasted the sweet taste in his mouth. In a moment, she was sobered up a lot. The pace at the foot accelerated, and she hit several people and rushed out of entertainment. Clubhouse.

The thugs followed and chased them out. After watching the surrounding circle, Bei Yuyu hid in the **** heap and watched the people running past them.

After they left, the northern rain was like a collapse, and fell to the ground.

Ps: eighth more...

Regarding the world of the last plane, Mo Ye thought so. Once written, it is too sad. In the New Year, in order not to let you cry, I will not write anything.

Isn’t you very considerate, hehe.

Cough, followed by a list of rewards. Thank you for your lovely feeding.

[Mu Ye Xiao] [fake ah] [cool 梓 】] [all kindergarten most domineering] [small treasure] [move flowers open] [lyh] [love vk]


Little cute, remember to vote for the recommended ticket, there is a monthly ticket, remember to vote for the moon.

Ink loves you, hahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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