Chapter 938: The Emperor's Heart Tips 6

"What is this mission?" Bei Yuyu whispered.

At the same time as she asked, a woman appeared in the dark alley. When she saw the woman's face, Bei Yuyu stunned.

Her face...

The original Lord Bei Yu saw her look at her own eyes, and her lips smirked. "Do you think I am beautiful?"

The northern rain rushed back and smiled and said: "It is really beautiful."

Her face is quite similar to the face in her real world.

"What do you want me to do for you?" asked Bei Yuyi back to the topic.

Her look suddenly darkened, and a little bit of blackness appeared on her body. "I want to go back to Bai Junyu, even if I have no name, even if I am always used as a substitute, I am willing.

As for Zhang Jingxuan and Yu Kexin, I don't need you to help me revenge. I just want to see them. Without me, I can't get to the top.

He didn't always say that without him, he could go to the top of the mountain and become a hot star. I just want to have a good look, is he really having that skill? ”

The north rain screamed: "What if he really did?"

The original look of the Lord was a slight glimpse, apparently not expected, or never thought about it, he can embark on the peak.

"If he did, then let it fall from the altar and let him have nothing."

The original Lord just found the direction of revenge, and said with excitement: "I don't want you to look at him well. I want you to hold him into a big star, become a national male god, and then take him away." Kicking down on the altar, let him taste the taste from heaven to hell."

"As for Yu Kexin, the little monk, she doesn't love him very much. Then let her taste the betrayal."

"Good." North rain should be down.

When her voice fell, the original body shape disappeared.

In the dark alley, the north rain squats on the wall and slowly stands up.

According to the progress of the plot, her current situation is not bad. Now she is separated from the golden master Bai Junyu, and no longer relevant.

The original Lord did not go to the miserable situation that everyone spurned and was completely played.

The luckiest thing was when Wang Fuhai started to attack her, she came, and did not let Wang Fuhai succeed.

If it is a late step, it will be troubled if it is photographed.

This is also a blessing in misfortune.

The northern rain licked the pocket and the phone was still there. She took out her mobile phone, opened the page, and dialed a phone that had not been played for a long time.

The phone was quickly connected, and the voice of Yu Jie came out of the phone. "Rain?"

"Jade sister, help." Bei Yuyu said this sentence with difficulty.

When Yu Jie listened to her voice, she felt bad. She asked nervously: "Where are you now?"

"I am a garbage station near Huaihai Road Golden Age."

"You are waiting for me there, I will be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Bei Yuying has been holding on, not letting himself faint, until he hears the sharp footsteps and sees the familiar figure, she can no longer support it, soft. Fall down.

"Rain." Jade sister rushed toward her.

When the North Rain waking up again, the person is already in the hospital. Looking at the white ceiling, the air smelled like a faint disinfectant.

The closed door was pushed open, and a smart and capable woman walked into the ward with seven-inch high shoes, and when she saw her wake up, she stepped forward.

(End of this chapter)

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