Quick Transmigration Counterattack: Mysterious Boss, Don’t Tease

Chapter 946: The Emperor's Heart Tips 14

Chapter 946: The Emperor's Heart Tips 14

"What hobby?" Wang Fuhai asked a little eagerly.

They want to please Zhang Zhi, but this person is not interested in anything, but it is impossible for them to start.

"He is a gay." North Rain said faintly.

The nature of this message was searched for in the memory of the original master for many years. Zhang Zhi will make a very sensation in a few years.

A boy, and **** caused a boy to die.

This incident is very troublesome and can be said to be universally known.

Wang Fuhai looked at her with shock. "He, he..."

After a long while, Wang Fuhai said: "Are you sure?"

"Of course." North Rain said calmly.

"This matter is waiting for me to go back and verify. If it is true, the man of "The World" will never fall into the hands of Zhang Jingxuan." Wang Fuhai assured.

In the face of business, these things are small things.

"No. You always misunderstood Wang. The man of "The Winds of the World" must be Zhang Jingxuan." Bei Yuyu smiled.

Wang Fuhai looked at her strangely. "What are you?"

Bei Yu said with a smile: "There is such a ready-made person as your gift, should you not push it out?!"

Wang Fuhai stunned and immediately understood what she meant.

"Haha, or Miss Bei’s mind is active. As far as I know, Zhang Jingxuan is not gay. I am afraid it will be difficult to get him under his man."

The north rain licks the corner of the lips. "Does Wang forget about yesterday's things so quickly?"

"Ha ha ha! Miss North, you are still amazing." Wang Fuhai raised his thumb.

"So the cooperation is enjoyable."

“Happy cooperation.”

When the northern rain came to the door, he heard Wang Fuhai say: "I hope that Miss Bei is true. Otherwise, don't blame Wang for not knowing how to pity."

Bei Yu Yan turned his head and said carelessly: "You are free."

After waiting for the clubhouse, Yu Jie’s tight expression dared to relax. This time she was really shocked by the North Rain.

"Jade sister, find a trusted private detective, follow Zhang Zhi. I want to get an exclusive video of Zhang Jingxuan and Zhang Zhi."

"it is good."

"The video can't be leaked out. Before he becomes famous, he can't be leaked out." North Rain didn't feel relieved.

"I understand." Yu Jie knows her intentions and naturally knows the importance of this matter. "Right, the endorsement of the OBI brand has been taken away."

OBI's endorsement has always been the use of Beiyuyu as a spokesperson. The current reputation of Beiyuyu has not gone downhill. According to the truth, it will not be replaced.

"Who took it?" asked Bei Yu.

"Yu Kexin."

"It's her." North Rain whispered.

Yu sister noticed her reaction and saw that she had no reaction, thinking that she would forget it. According to her character, if it is met, it is basically forget.

"Help me contact the person in charge of OBI." North rain whispered.

When the jade sister stunned, it immediately turned bright. "Good."

The spokesperson of the former master of the previous life was taken away by Yu Kexin. Now she is here. If they let them succeed, I am not sorry for the original owner.

From now on, Yu Kexin would like to take a spoke from her hands.

Three days later, a middle-aged woman in the Gaoyang Building Tianyu Entertainment Company hurriedly opened the door and walked into a lounge.

The woman in the house is painting her makeup, and she does not pay attention to the movement behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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