Quick Transmigration Counterattack: Mysterious Boss, Don’t Tease

Chapter 953: The Emperor's Heart Tips 21

Chapter 953: The Emperor's Heart Tips 21

Zhang Jingxuan’s body was like a meal. He thought that he was already like this. If he let him go out, he would not get a benefit, but he would suffer a big loss.

If you think about it, it is better to endure one night and get all the things you should take.

After thinking about it, Zhang Jingxuan no longer resisted.

Zhang Zhi saw that he did not resist, and the corner of his lips was hooked. He leaned forward and topped him. He ordered him: "Don't scream, I like to hear your voice."

Zhang Jingxuan looked a stiff, thinking of the position of the male lead, humiliating according to his request ***. Next, his demands are getting more and more, and he is getting more and more abnormal. He can only hold on to his teeth.

Throughout the night, Zhang Jingxuan was tortured and fainted several times. When he woke up, he only felt the burning pain in his buttocks and his body hurt.

He just slammed his legs and almost slammed into the ground.

"Damn." Zhang Jingxuan whispered, "This dead metamorphosis."

He put on crumpled clothes and barely walked out of the room. He wanted to keep walking as normal as possible, but the difference between his legs, or his pace looked a bit strange.

I don't know if he is nervous or his illusion. Zhang Jingxuan always felt that people around him looked at him with strange eyes.

Wang Fuhai got a contract with him, and he was beaming.

He specially dialed Zhang Jingxuan's phone call. At this time, Zhang Jingxuan had just given himself a medicine and was lying in bed.

Zhang Jingxuan saw Wang Fuhai’s call, and he did not fight it.

He didn't think of this guy at all, and he would pay attention to hit him.

Zhang Jingxuan sighed with anger and connected the phone. The phone called Wang Fuhai's laughter.

"Zhang Laodi, it was really hard for you last night." Wang Fuhai said with a smile.

Zhang Jingxuan gnashed his teeth and said: "Wang, what happened last night, should you give an explanation?"

Wang Fuhai did not seem to hear the unhappiness in his tone. He said with a smile: "Haha, of course, will give you an explanation. The hero of the movie "The Winds of the World" is yours. How is this explanation?"

Zhang Jingxuan’s face was better. He was afraid that he had suffered a dark loss. After all, he was taken medicine at that time without knowing anything.

"Good." Zhang Jingxuan should be down.

Although this incident was humiliating, but the position of the male owner of the film and the male master of the TV series, he barely let him endure the humiliation of his heart.

Wang Fuhai saw that he should be down, and the lips evoked a sly smile. "Zhang Zong was very satisfied last night. You have a good rest tonight. In the days of H City, you have to accompany Zhang."

"What?!" Zhang Jingxuan was shocked. When he was together, he pulled the wound behind him and hurt his five senses.

"Zhang Laodi, don't be excited." Wang Fuhai calmed, "Zhang Zong also stayed in H City for two or three days. When he left, it would be fine. Zhang Laodi, you have to work hard these days, more Accompanied by Zhang. The man of "The World of the Wind" is yours."

Zhang Jingxuan is not a fool, and he naturally hears what he means. If he does not accompany Zhang Zhi these days, then the position of the male master of "The Winds of the World", he does not want to get.

Zhang Jingxuan bit his teeth. "Since you have said this, I will accompany him for three days. After three days, I will no longer be with you anyway."

"This is nature." Wang Fuhai said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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