Quick Transmigration Counterattack: Mysterious Boss, Don’t Tease

Chapter 959: The Emperor's Heart Tips 27

Chapter 959 The Emperor's Heart Tips 27

"Yeah." Bei Yuyu looked indifferent.

Liu Yan frowned, his eyes flashed a bit of disgust, and then looked at her with sympathy. "That is really a grievance."

Said, she turned to look at the field staff first, "Why didn't you arrange an independent dressing room with Yu Yujie?"

The field staff bitterly explained and explained: "Sister Liu Yan, I don't arrange it. It's really a separate dressing room. There are people. I am a clever woman."

Liu Yan turned his head and looked at the rain in the north. "Sister Yu Yu, would you come over and squeeze me?"

Xiaoyu was disgusted by her, especially when she heard her saying that she would refuse, but she did not expect that she would not play according to common sense.

"Okay." North rain 棠 should be directly under.

Liu Yan stunned, the eyes flashed a bit of a mistake, the smile on the lips became a bit stiff.

She did not think that her face was so thick, she would be down.

Isn't she shameful?

The north rain licks the corner of the lips and looks at him with a smile. "I am laughing, you should never be a makeup. Just make up, it is the same everywhere. Time is not early, we are advanced."

Liu Yan reacted to this, and she was teased by her, with a stiff smile, "Well."

The north rain 棠 turned into the public dressing room, and Liu Yan turned around, his face suddenly darkened, and the assistants at the side suddenly became cautious.

"Sister Sister, looking at her look, it is a strong smile at first glance, now I can't be angry with it." The assistant said cautiously.

My sister pushed the door of the dressing room and sat down in a gloomy face. After hearing the assistant's words, her face became a little better.

"Let's go over there and see how she is?" Liu Yan said.

She does not believe that the north rain can be as calm as it seems.

In her capacity, she was placed in a public dressing room and her temper would get angry.

"I don't have to look at it, she knows her face is very difficult to see." The assistant smiled.

Liu Yan looked at her with a squint, and her eyes were cold. "Let you go, you will go. What will you say?"

The little assistant was shocked by the spirit, "Yes."

There are a lot of actors in the public dressing room. Most of these people are small supporting actors and there are no famous actors.

Everyone saw it at the scene of the door. When she saw her entering the dressing room, she did not dare to scream, and she was afraid of being angered by her and became a punching bag.

The entire dressing room was full and there was no space.

Xiaoyu’s face became very ugly.

This way, do they still have to stand here waiting for it.

"Yu Yujie, this is not the case. I am going to the field manager."

"No need. Wait, it should be very soon." North rain was calm and said, no anger at unfair treatment.

"But..." Xiaoyu only felt wronged and wronged for the North Rain.

An actor who plays the pipa stands up and says to the north rain :: "Mr. Yu Yu, you sit here."

"Are you finished?" asked Bei Yuyu.

The little actor nodded. "It's already good."

"Thank you."

After the Northern Rain Road thanked him, he sat in the position, the whole process was very calm, and the people around him felt very surprised.

Because they have heard about the North Yu Yan more or less, knowing her big name, but now it is completely rumored to be a world of difference.

Ps: fifth more... there are three more later...

Today is Valentine's Day, little cute Valentine's Day.

Thank you for the little cute people who have been rewarded to Momojun on Valentine's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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