Chapter 975: The Emperor's Heart Tips 43

Mr. Fang learned that Bai Junyu was preparing to stay overnight and immediately arranged for the best holiday resort in the film and television city to entertain him, but he was rejected by rumors.

"Fang, you don't need to arrange it. I have arranged the room for BOSS." Zhou Feng said with a smile.

"I don't know where the white always lives?"

"Drunk Xianju."

The party is slightly stunned, and the drunken residence is just a three-star hotel.

He heard that Bai Junyu traveled, and the requirements for eating and living were very high. Every time you travel, all the tools in the hotel must be replaced with the bedding and utensils you want.

He is disgusted with the things provided by the Super Five Star Hotel.

Now I actually ran to live in a three-star hotel, which is simply broken glasses.

During their conversation, in the room next door to the north rain, they were changing and all the sheets, quilts, pillows and quilts were replaced.

"What are the needs, tell me." Fang is very polite.


After Zhou Feng sent away the party, he saw his own BOSS focused on the information about the recent rain in the north.

"BOSS, you can go to rest."

The elevator went up to the sixth floor.

Before going to his room, Zhou Feng said: "The room next door is the room of Miss Bei."

Bai Junyu glanced back and regained his gaze.

Zhou Feng opened the door and everything in the room was completely new.

After returning to the room, Bai Junyu dialed the long-lost number. In the middle of the break, Bei Yuying glanced at the number when he saw the phone ringing, which is a strange number.

"Hello. Who is this?"

"It's me." Bai Junyu's low-pitched voice was heard from the phone.

A look at the north rain, "Where are you now?"

"Drunk Xianju."

"You are waiting at the hotel, I will come to you when I come back."

"Good. My room number sent you."


Just hang up the phone, someone can't wait to send the room number. After the rain was seen in the north, the lips were slightly pumped.

In the hotel, Bai Junyu took the documents in his hand, raised his hand and took a look at the time, took out the phone and dialed Zhou Feng’s phone.

"Is she back?"

When Zhou Fengyi saw the phone call of the big boss, he knew what he was going to ask.

In one night, almost every ten minutes will come to an inquiry phone.

"Or, I will call the crew and ask about the shooting situation there?" Zhou Feng suggested.

"No." Bai Junyu vetoed.

"BOSS, Miss North's nanny car is back." Zhou Feng, who has been stalking in the hotel lobby, is tearful when she sees the nanny car.

She is back.

If she doesn't come back, I am afraid he will be waiting in the hall all day long.

Zhou Feng looked at the northern rain from the nanny car and watched her enter the elevator.

"BOSS, she will return to the room after five minutes."

Bai Junyu counted the time, heard the footsteps from the corridor, opened the door, and the north rain just walked to the door.

The northern rain squatted and looked around, seeing no one noticed, and quickly slipped in.

Entering the room, Bei Yuying looked at the furnishings in his house. It was very strange. "Your room is different from me."

Speaking, sitting on his bed, reaching out and touching the sheets, the touch was very good.

"Your bed is good." North Rain 棠 sighed.

Sure enough, as in the legend, every time you go to a place, you must change your own things.

"My bed can divide you half." Bai Junyu looked at her with a burning gaze.

Hey, she is being smashed and there is wood!

Ps: The first day of the first month... The birthday of Moye, then, I want to say, can I let me have a day off?

It is said that the first day of the first month of the first month is very sad, and there is no chance to have a birthday with a friend. I have never been with my friends on this birthday, let alone receiving gifts or something. Nima, everyone is in the middle of the year. Good sad reminder that there is wood.

So, let me take a day off this time, just when you give me a gift. Hahaha...

Agree not? !

[willing to have a fish life] [Let the father kiss] [wait, meteor] [nine] [Youloveme] [East 枔] [laughing, drunk life]

[楚澜]【浮生未央】【浅笑】[金豆豆]【Time lapse】【Every day is joy】【本渣】【假意啊】【帅姬子】

[Miss sister] [etc] [lo lemon ve] [Nan Yu] [lazy cancer] [magic deer ikun] [moly on the flower open] [years meet] [spectrum night 芊] [...]

[雯梦宸] [controlling GEMINI] [micro blue ° shallow 殇] [holding snails in space] [筱曼] [Do not eat rabbits] [Xia Houming early]

[Proud D-K] [阡陌] [慕糖糖] [梦曦玥] [钰莹潺岚] [dreams like fireworks like water, 贻] [nothing]

[Cats and cats] [Tomorrow, you are annoying] [Munich] [Small treasure]

Thank you for the above cute and lovely rewards.

Dear, remember the votes with the votes. muah.

(End of this chapter)

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