Chapter 979: The Emperor's Heart Tips 47

Liu Yan does not care much about Wang Laowu, but instead he is old and ugly and fat, but she is the biggest gold owner so far.

Now he said that she should not be her, and she did not lose her back.

Wang Laowu, but she spent a lot of effort to sit on his lover's position.

Now he said that he should not do it. Her previous efforts were not in vain.

She was not reconciled and was not willing to be kicked off.

Liu Yan sullenly face, dialed the phone of Wang Laowu, indicating that it could not be connected.

The man was so unrequited that she directly blacked out her number.

"Damn, **** it!"

Xiaofang stayed in the living room and heard a snoring sound in the bedroom, accompanied by the roar of Liu Yan. Xiaofang was shocked and afraid to go forward.

Since Liu Wei did not rely on the mountains, it has converged a lot. Before she found her home, she dared not be as unscrupulous as before.

For the North Yu Yan, she still hates, can't wait to go to the front to smash her, but she did not dare to know that it was right with the North Rain, the two were safe and sound, and the shooting became much smoother.

The change of Liu Yan, Bei Yu Yan was the first to perceive. She does not come to find her own troubles, she will not take the initiative to provoke.

There is a feeling of faintness in the north rain, and Liu Yan will be so embarrassed. It is very likely that some people have shot. When you have inquired about the system and have not violated the rules, you can rest assured.

On this day, Huang Xiao, the agent who had not appeared for a long time, came to the film and television city and brought a script to Bei Yu.

"Rain, there is a good news to tell you." Huang Xiao smiled.

"What good news?"

Huang Xiao took a contract from the bag and was an advertising contract. "This is the advertising contract I just talked to you, and there is a script, you can see."

Bei Yu did not look at the advertising contract and the script. "I also have one thing to tell you."

"what's up?"

"Remove the contract between you." Bei Yu said calmly.

"What are you talking about?!" Huang Xiao looked at her with a shocked look.

Bei Yuyu looked calm. "This time, as my agent, regardless of the reputation of my artist, I don't know how to deal with it. What do I want from you?"

"I have been busy running advertising recently. When I knew it, things have been solved." Huang Xiao calmed his face and said innocent defense.

Huang Xiao naturally knows that she has a lot of black materials during this time, but she is in a laissez-faire attitude, regardless of whether she asks. He just wants Bei Yu to know his importance clearly.

But after waiting for the north rain to call, things were settled.

He couldn't help but marvel at her good fortune, and it was just that.

"This is not your reason." North rain slyly looked at him, the point of his heart, she would not understand.

Xiaoyu wanted to call Huang Xiao several times and wanted him to deal with it. He was stopped by Bei Yu.

Huang Xiao saw her resolute attitude and her eyes were deep. "Well, since you said so, let's lift it."

Huang Xiao took the contract in his hand and slammed it away.

Shortly after Huang Xiao left, Bei Yu's cell phone rang.

Bei Yuyu looked at Zhang Jingxuan’s name, and he took the answer. The phone then quickly sent Zhang Jingxuan’s voice.

"I just heard that you have terminated the contract with Huang Ge? Is there something wrong?" Zhang Jingxuan asked with concern.

"What did he say to you?"

Ps: for the [micro blue ° shallow 殇] the addition of the lord!

[临约梨] [钰莹潺岚] [Looking for silence] [Harem] [Lonely name and thought] [汐°] [殇] [If water] [Don't think about fooling sister]

[nightmare] [little princess] [star] [static if the flower] [·] [make you a prosperous] [nine] [small treasure] [middle class Liang Qibo mother]

[杜云白汐] [People in the season] [Qing no dust] [Yan warm] [listen to the wind to listen] [handsome Jizi] [Xiangxuehai] [laughing stunned, drunk life]

[Rainbow] [Flower] [Because of the fool, so mad] [Before the wind] [Mozi whisper] [Micro blue ° shallow 殇] [Mu Ye Xiao] [喵喵喵] [柒兮]

[慕沁潆] [with tea] [Chu Yu] [East 枔] [White clothes light] [Unconscious month] [Let the father kiss] [Shallow summer] [Tao Tao and his brother's little girl]

[Stupid little princess] [Miss Huha] [Than knows later] [Big son twilight] [Repeat] [Light also color] [Magic deer ikun] [Pride D-K]

[There are children in the family] [shallow sings and listens] [in the dark of the night] [blue sky] [also laughs at him] [meng buns] [like dreams are not dreams] [cool years do not think] [Loli-style Jiaochuan]

[charger manufacturer] [this slag] [wanqinyao] [189**8820] [words] [E·wei] [滢溪] [holding snails in space]

[Dream Little Chili] [Deed] [Xiao Sansui]

Thank you so much for the little cute to pay for the birthday of Moye, let you break the cost, what?

(End of this chapter)

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