Chapter 984: The Emperor's Heart Tips 52

Yu Jie saw her not wanting to say more, her brows were wrinkled. "Isn't that Zhang Jingxuan?"

If you admit that he is, Yu Jie will definitely go away.

"You can rest assured that it is definitely not Zhang Jingxuan."

"Who would it be?" Nguyen couldn't think of it, that person would be Bai Junyu.

Although Bai Junyu had a relationship with his own artist, she knew that there was absolutely no love for the people in Beiyu.

From his look at the eyes of the North Rain, you can see that this person is cool, this kind of person is difficult to let people into his heart.

Yujie thought of another possibility. "Is he rich?"

The north rain nodded.

As long as you don't say the identity of Bai Junyu, the North Rain does not mind to be honest.



“Do you have a family?”


Jade sister’s brows are gathering a little bit. There is no family, young, and rich. It must be a rich second generation. Thinking of the North Rain, she refused to reveal his true identity, she thought of a possibility, the other party did not want to let people know his relationship with the North Yu Yan.

If this is the case, then it is not like Bai Junyu, it is not really like the northern rain, it is the beauty of her love.

Yujie said bitterly: "Yu Yu, looking for a man, must find a man who loves himself and hurts himself. Too many men are happy for the moment, don't know how to cherish, such a man can play, but thousand Don't touch the truth, or the injury will be your own."

"Do not believe in men's words. If you believe in a man, it is better to believe that the sow will go to the tree. No matter how good the man is, don't believe it."

Bei Yuyu knew that she misunderstood, but did not explain, "I understand."

"That's good. The most important thing for you now is acting, and doing your own business well."

There was no rebuttal in the north rain, and she listened quietly to her teaching.

When she said that she was tired, the car was quiet.

After returning to the apartment, the jade sister just left, Bai Junyu's back foot arrived.

"You didn't touch Jade Sister on the road?" Bei Yuyu asked with a look of concern.


The north rain could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. "That's good."

Bai Junyu sees this, very helpless.

The north rain looked at his grievances, and he was willing to compensate him. He smiled and said: "What do you want to eat, I am cooking today."

Bai Junyu hugged her from behind. "Don't be busy, call it."

Although he missed her craft, she didn't want her to be too tired. Between sexual desire and her, nature is distressed by the latter.

"The things outside are not good. You don't say, I am the master."

The northern rain rushed into the kitchen, opened the refrigerator, and took the beef, yam, and asparagus from the refrigerator and started to get busy.

Bai Junyu also surrounded the apron, washing vegetables for her, cutting vegetables, and occasionally met each other in the air, a pink bubble constantly rushing out.

Three dishes and one soup, quickly served on the table, when the two people ate half, Bei Yu's cell phone rang, and saw the name of Yu Jie on the screen, she made a banned gesture to Bai Junyu.

"Jade sister."

Yu Jie’s voice said with a little excitement: “Yu Yu, the audition results of the “Da Tang Dynasty” came out.”

"I have chosen." North Rain said.

"Yes." Yu Jie saw her attitude so calm, she could not help but sigh. She once became so calm and self-made.

Although there is an eight-point grasp on that character, there are too many additional factors in the entertainment circle that will affect the final result. No one knows who will laugh at the end.

(End of this chapter)

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