Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 1153 Cosmic Level Smart Chip (53)

Under the influence of this pressure, the innate gods and demons who were not willing to form a group had to start thinking about forming an alliance, and thinking about researching new formations and methods of breaking formations, etc., just in case.

In case the three clans are really bold enough to persecute them.

There can also be ways to deal with it.

At the same time, the Destroyer God and Demon was not idle at all, and immediately followed up the research on the formation, studying the possibility of using the four fierce beasts to form the formation.

Although three of the four major beasts have died, in reality, they have not been completely extinct. Each of the beasts has been taken out by the Destroying God Demon and stored in their breeding grounds. In theory, As long as the breeding ground is not destroyed, that ray of origin will not be destroyed.

They can always be resurrected later.

The most important thing is that the three dead beasts were just blown up, they were not wiped out into the most primitive innate aura, those overflowing original aura, innate evil aura, etc., although some were taken away , and some were consumed, but most of the rest still existed between the heaven and the earth. As long as it existed between the heaven and the earth, it would be gradually drawn by the formation of the four ferocious beasts to serve as nourishment for resurrecting them.

This undoubtedly greatly accelerated their resurrection speed.

However, through deduction experiments, the Destroyer God and Demon found that it was too difficult to use the four fierce beasts to form an formation, mainly because these four fierce beasts could not be perfectly controlled by him.

At most, he can give some guidance appropriately, this level of control is not enough to make them cooperate with the formation.

Moreover, the four ferocious beasts have been appearing frequently, and if they reappear after they die, it may be difficult not to arouse the suspicion of the three races. If they investigate the source of the four ferocious beasts, they may also be exposed.

So in the end, the God of Destruction gave up the idea of ​​using the four beasts to resurrect the formation, and even gave up on resurrecting the dead three beasts. Instead, they searched for several innate sword embryos and smelted four swords, which will be preserved. The origin of the four stalks of fierce beasts fused with these four swords, and inserted the four swords into the breeding grounds of the original fierce beasts. Instead of resurrecting the dead beasts, they began to breed and improve the grade and power of the four swords. able.

The four fierce beasts are not easy to control the formation, so simply refine them into objects that can be directly controlled.

It can also be regarded as waste utilization, plus a hole card.

However, this has caused another problem, that is, Taotie is not dead, so that the speed of breeding and upgrading of the sword that combines the origin of Taotie is far behind the other three swords. After all, the other three swords can still Absorb the origin and evil spirits of the three dead beasts scattered between the heaven and the earth. The Taotie is not dead, and the sword corresponding to the Taotie can only absorb all kinds of evil energy generated by the war between the three clans at this time.

The speed of gestation and improvement will naturally be much slower.

For this reason, the Destroyer God Demon had to send Jidu out again, and asked him to use the Taotie's life card to continuously guide Taotie to attack the three clans, attracting hatred, so that the three clans could kill Taotie, so that he could breed and upgrade the sword.

With Ji Du's continuous efforts, Taotie finally attracted enough hatred, and fell under the siege of the three clans who apparently did not join forces but actually attacked together.

Completed the final task to ensure that the four swords bred by the destruction gods and demons can maintain a balance of strength.

There will be no shortcomings in going back to the formation!


Under the guidance of the destroying gods and demons, Taotie, the fuse of the three-clan war, fell ahead of time, and the three-clan war naturally gradually subsided. Although conflicts and conflicts on the frontier still continued, at least the previous all-out war, formation war, etc. , temporarily subsided.

Then the three clans did not come as expected.

He began to force some gods, demons and Taoists to stand.

That's right, it was persecution rather than invitation. Compared with the previous one, their attitude was a world of difference.

In the past, they were invited, and those who visited the thatched cottage three times. If they couldn’t be invited, they politely gave a gift and left. Now they directly use formations to block the entrance of the cave and the entrance of the Holy Land. It has nothing to do with please, it's just coercion by force, so although the all-out war between the three clans has temporarily subsided, the battle between the three clans and the major innate gods, demons, and Taoists has just begun.

Then soon some gods and demons succumbed, and some gods and demons predicted that something was wrong in advance, and hid outside the world, wandering around, living in no fixed place, barely safe.

The toughest bones are left.

Naturally, they are the gods, demons and Taoists of the Baotuan Alliance.

The three clans originally allowed the gods and demons to exist, not because they were soft-hearted, or respected those gods and demons, but because they were unable to kill these lonely people at that time. No is also a trouble.

In addition, most of them do not compete for racial luck, so they turned a blind eye and ignored them.

But now, the three clans who have improved in the formation method not only have the ability to kill these gods and demons, but also have the ability to trap most of them.

The ability to prevent them from escaping at will.

In this way, they naturally don't want to continue to let these gods, demons, and Taoists wander outside of their three clans, watching them fight like watching a play.

How can you be reconciled if you don't drag them into the battlefield.

Then the battle officially started, and the Holy Land of Good Fortune was no exception. It was soon attacked by the Dragon Clan, or at the invitation of the Dragon Clan. Get up, invite those gods, demons and Taoists in the Holy Land of Creation to join the Dragon Clan and become the elders of the Dragon Clan.

It's really ridiculous to say yes to this battle.

But sometimes having a big fist is all about being able to do whatever you want.

The Dragon Clan said yes, who would dare to refute.

Of course, the Holy Land of Creation could not accept this kind of invitation, and they were not willing to be vassals of the Dragon Clan. The gods, demons, and Taoists even joined forces and began to arrange their newly researched formations.

It's just that they really don't have an advantage in terms of numbers, and the strongest formation they have deduced can only show half a step of Hunyuan's strength at present.

The combined power of the 10,000 dragon formations of the dragon clan far surpassed them, so they only fought each other for less than a hundred years, and the holy land of good fortune began to be defeated, and eventually they either fell, fled, or surrendered.

The same is true for other holy places and caves.

The speed of the three clans is too fast, and they are not given a chance to fully unite. All the names and surnames are basically beaten by the three clans. They either fall, escape, or belong to them. On the contrary, some are really anonymous and have basically never appeared. Yes, nothing happened.

After all, no one else knew of their existence.

How did the three tribes "please"?

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