Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 38: New Super Fast Growth Farm (37)

After confirming the specific content of the submission, Yunqi Nuguan quickly contacted the governor of Jinling, and then took him over to look at the wheat and rice fields that were specially left unharvested. With him as the middleman, there will be The news of the good breed was sent to the court at high speed.

Only seven days passed in between.

After receiving the memorial, Emperor Yuyuan dispatched imperial envoys and secret guards to Jinling City in light and darkness, mainly to determine whether the contents of the memorial were true or not.

You can't say that I have high-yielding grains here.

Believe it above.

No matter what, I have to send someone over to take a look.

It may even be necessary to personally verify the species for a season.

So this matter is not over so soon.

The arrival of the imperial envoy was entertained by the host of Yunqi Nuguan. After the two of them met, they only exchanged a few words of pleasantries, and immediately went straight to the topic. Take a look at the few fields that haven't been harvested yet.

If they hadn't waited for them to come to check, those fields should have been harvested long ago. The wheat and rice in the fields are already ripe and ugly. If it weren't for the recent luck and no rain, they might have germinated.

So of course there can be no further delay.

All the reception banquet and so on will be saved.

Let's look at the rice fields and wheat fields first.

And the imperial envoys dispatched this time are officials in charge of farming. Although their positions are not particularly high, they are still very proficient in common sense of farming.

Therefore, as soon as he got to the edge of the field and saw the wheat and rice, he immediately knew that the yield was definitely not low. Afterwards, he rolled up his sleeves and went to the field by himself without being greeted by the people around him, just to check the fullness of the rice and wheat grains. , the number of grains on the ears of rice is also to check the root system of wheat and rice plants, to determine whether these wheat and rice have just grown like this, or to transplant two acres of wheat and rice into one acre of land, Fake a good harvest.

After such a half stick of incense.

The imperial envoy was in the rice field, shouting to God to open his eyes, the blessings of the people, the blessings of the people, his tone was already a little incoherent, and when he turned his head, he could even see tears in his eyes at this time, and he couldn't help himself suppress.

After that, there was another period of emotional relaxation for half a stick of incense.

The imperial envoy walked back to the edge of the field with the support of the Yunqi female crown, and then ordered the farmers who had been waiting for a long time to start harvesting. When harvesting, he specifically told them to uproot the wheat. Together with the whole plant of rice, it is transported to Beijing.

This request cannot be overstated.

Therefore, when the farmers who came to help harvest were a little stunned, Yunqi Nuguan waved their hands and signaled to do so. Then, while waiting for the harvest to be completed, they communicated with each other, mainly the imperial envoy asked questions, Yunqi female crown replied.

Ding Yun also showed up during the process. She needed to show up and describe the life of her dead mother who didn't exist when she just came here.

By the time the imperial envoy finished asking questions and recorded all the information, the remaining two acres of land had been harvested, and to be more precise, it should have been completely uprooted.

So they quickly had final pleasantries.

Then he just said goodbye and left.

Before leaving, the imperial envoy specifically stated that His Majesty will not forget their achievements, but because the grain seeds have not been thoroughly verified, it is not easy to reward them for the time being, but I think there will definitely be an imperial decree after the next harvest at the latest, Give rewards.

The whole process can be said to be super fast.

The total stop time does not exceed twelve hours.

In addition to the fact that the imperial envoy was a little anxious to rush to transport the wheat and rice to the capital before Emperor Yuyuan's birthday, one of the reasons was to send the grain seeds to the capital early so as not to delay the next season's planting.


"That imperial envoy is really quick at work!"

As soon as the imperial envoy left, Ding Yun stood at the gate of Nanhua Temple and watched them leave, feeling emotional.

"It's better to be easy.

If he stays here and doesn't leave, it will really delay things. Farming season can't be delayed at all, and it would be better if he went back earlier, so as not to have to entertain him.

By the way, Ding Yun, can you tell me in detail about the breeding technology you mentioned earlier? I am quite interested in farming now. Although the matter of grain seeds has come to an end for now, I still want to try it. The breeding technology you mentioned earlier, see if you can breed seeds with higher yield and more drought and disease resistance.

I feel that this is much greater than chanting scriptures and giving soup.

Even if you recite the scriptures for thousands of years, it is not as helpful as increasing the grain production by three to five catties and bringing more help to the people! "

Yunqi Nuguan followed with a few words of emotion.

Then she mentioned one more thing, which she had only recently decided on, and she was going to spend the rest of her life on it.

That is the mother who wants to complete Ding Yun.

Unfinished business.

Although the idea of ​​Yunqi Women's Crown is good, Ding Yun really has a little bit of powerlessness, so he can only say:

"Really, I'm really sorry. It's not that I don't want to part with my mother's technology. The main reason is that I don't know much about it. I only know a little bit about it. I don't know if it can help. Of course, if you are willing to listen, I I can tell you as much as possible.

But I don't know if it's useful or not. "

Ding Yun is not a professional member of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and in their era, life has long been able to get rid of the need for food. She learned the term breeding technology from history books, so she really doesn't know much about it. , the help that can be provided is naturally relatively limited, and at most it can only tell some basic information.

"It's okay, you know more than I do.

Anyway, I have plenty of time, so I'll just take my time in the future. If I can't study it thoroughly, there are still many disciples and grandchildren in my Nanhua Temple! "

Yunqi Women's Crown was not disappointed either.

He responded immediately with a smile.

Now that the other party said so, Ding Yun naturally couldn't refuse, so after dinner that night, Ding Yun racked his brains to scrape the relevant memories left in his mind, combining everything she knew with the breeding All the technology-related information was told to Yunqi Women's Crown, some of which were not easy to remember, and even wrote them down and handed them to her, so that she would not forget them again.

Then start the next day.

Yunqi Women's Crown got busy.

I was busy asking some security agencies and businessmen to help her buy wheat and rice seeds from all over the world. At the same time, I also asked them to help her pay attention to whether there were wild wheat and rice plants and bring them back for her. She was willing to pay a high price.

In addition, she has begun to divide the fields.

Preparing for breeding and such.

In short, he was so busy that he didn't have time to talk to Ding Yun.

It's unbelievable that I put away my autumn clothes and changed them to winter clothes after wearing it for only one day, and there were only two days between 28 degrees and 8 degrees.


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