Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 451 Extra Story - The Emperor's Family Barrel

hundreds of years later

Qinghe Senior High School history class.

Jiang Weihe, the most popular history teacher, walked into the classroom on time and on time as always, and said with a smile:

"Everyone is very active. I think you all know which period of history we are going to talk about today. Yes, what we are going to talk about today is the history of the Southern Zhou Dynasty."

"Now, open the seventy-second page of the textbook.

Then you can see a special dynasty and a special royal family that are very different from any previous dynasty, and also different from any previous royal family.

If you have watched the detailed Southern Zhou program a few years ago, you should know that the historians have a relatively unified joking name for a group of emperors in the first hundred years of the Southern Zhou Dynasty, called the Emperor's Family Bucket.

What does that mean? That is, the whole family is the emperor.

It is the same reason as jokingly calling a certain emperor of the Tang Dynasty Liuweidihuangwan, which refers to the situation where the emperors get together.

The second emperor of the Southern Zhou Dynasty was called Ji Ding.

He is a very interesting person who belongs to the center of the history of the Southern Zhou Kingdom. His father was the founding emperor of the Southern Zhou Kingdom, and his mother was also a regent for many years. The title started from his generation.

He himself is the emperor, his wife is the emperor, his eldest son has been the emperor, his second son has been the emperor, his second daughter-in-law has been the emperor, and his eldest daughter has also been the emperor.

The most interesting thing is that they are not usurpers.

But the previous emperor really didn't want to be.

Hard Zen.

Among the two generations centered on his generation, only his eldest daughter-in-law and his mother have never been emperors.

Everyone else has been emperor.

Later, several of his grandsons, great-grandsons and great-great-great-great-grandsons and so on, all became emperors, and granddaughters and granddaughters also became emperors, and even a large part of them became emperors for ten and a half days. One month, at most one and a half years, the emperor is unwilling to be an emperor.

He made a fuss about abdicating.

This situation has never happened since ancient times, and it has never happened since then, but even if they are so nonsense, the period of the Southern Zhou Dynasty was still the most prosperous era.

The reason is that they created a new system.

The emperor completely let go of the regime.

That is, the first auxiliary system of the cabinet.

The emperor no longer manages civil affairs. All civil affairs are under the unified regency management of the cabinet and the cabinet's chief assistant. Only when wars or catastrophic natural disasters occur, the emperor will intervene. In other cases, the emperor is very free and relaxed. , Even if the emperor is changed frequently, it will not have any impact on the major affairs of the government.

Because most of the time the emperor doesn't care.

For this section of the textbook, you just need to memorize all the contents of the cabinet first and auxiliary system. This part is mainly tested, and other irrelevant information will basically not be tested.

The content is easy to understand, so I won't talk about it. "

After roughly explaining the general content of the textbook, Jiang Weihe immediately pushed the textbook aside, and then the students present cheered up instantly, because they knew that the main event was coming, and the next thing was Teacher Jiang's lecture on wild history It's time.

He was welcomed by the students and was rated as the most popular history teacher. Obviously, it is impossible to rely on the scriptures. The most important reason is that he often tells the students some very interesting wild histories or monsters in class. Smell to attract students' attention.

"According to unofficial history records, Ji Ding is quite interesting. He doesn't like going to court very much. He always dozed off when he was a child, just like you guys who don't like to go to class and doze off in class.

When he was young, he was fine, but when he was old and wanted to be in charge, problems arose.

It's understandable for the little emperor to doze off in the morning.

But if an adult emperor dozes off again, it will be a sign of a faint emperor. Ji Ding himself knows it, so he is particularly resistant to being in charge, and even privately hopes that his mother, who was the queen regent at the time, will be a regent for a few more decades, and so on. His son is old enough to succeed him.

He abdicated, and the queen mother directly returned the power to his son.

As for the result, of course they didn't agree, because the queen regent at that time was not willing to be a regent at all. After the regent queen returned to Ji Ding, she basically didn't return to the capital except for the holidays, and she went on tour all the time.

It was precisely because of being rejected by the queen mother that Ji Ding racked his brains to think of other ways, and then, the most famous cabinet chief assistant system in later generations was born.

It is said that the queen mother inspired Ji Ding, and some said that Ji Ding had the idea first, and the queen mother helped him improve the corresponding system, but no matter what, the cabinet chief assistant system was born and perfected in the hands of their mother and son.

A few years later, with the complete determination of the first and auxiliary system of the cabinet, the Southern Zhou Dynasty stopped holding court meetings when there were no major events. Everyone went to the newly established cabinet to handle government affairs, and Ji Ding thus achieved his goal. .

There is no need to get up before dawn to go to the court meeting.

But, people's ambitions are rising step by step. If you can stop taking morning reading classes from now on, don't you all think that it would be good if you don't go to evening self-study, and it would be even better if you can just go on vacation!

Ji Ding thought so too.

Especially when his mother returned to him, wandered around all over the world, and even sent him various local specialties and interesting things by mail, his heart became wilder, and he wanted to play around like his mother .

But he is the emperor.

Even if he handed over the power of civil affairs to the Chief Assistant, he could not leave the capital casually, not to mention leaving the capital, even leaving the palace would be very difficult.

So his clever little brain.

Soon it was moving again.

That is, he wants to quickly find a capable wife to have a son, and then he will pass the throne to his son and let his wife be regent. In this way, won't he be free?

So it didn't take long.

An extraordinary draft has begun.

The assessment of Xiunv is not about appearance and status, nor is it about female embroidery, but articles on governing the country and the art of war.

The number one scholar entered the palace and was hand-picked as the queen.

One of the No. 2 Tanhua is a noble concubine, and the other is the head of the four concubines. That is really a talent in the harem.

In a few years, he had several children. Originally, he wanted to pass the throne directly to his eldest son and let his queen be regent, but the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty opposed it, thinking that the country was dependent on the emperor, and the emperor was not dead or seriously injured. What's the deal with a child who has just turned one year old?

In the end, those ministers pushed Ji Ding into a hurry.

At that time, he might just be thinking, don’t you want the older one to be the emperor, then let the older one be the emperor, and then he resolutely gave up the throne to his wife, and simply refused to let it go. His daughter-in-law became regent, so let his daughter-in-law take the throne directly.

At this moment, the officials knew it was wrong and wanted to persuade them, but they couldn't persuade them anymore. They wrote to ask the Queen Mother to come back. The Queen Mother also said that it doesn't matter, let him go, and then this matter...

It's just so muddled!

Immediately afterwards, Ji Ding ran away happily! "

"Think about it, this is the virtue of being a father, and the children in the future have to learn from it. In addition, because of the cabinet's chief assistant system, the emperor's power has become smaller and smaller, and it is no longer the same as before. Yan Jiuding is even above the law, and the royal family also needs to be governed by the law. The power is reduced, and there is not so much freedom. In the future, they can only live in the palace.

The later dozen or so emperors wanted to abdicate quickly after a short period of time, so they could understand.

In the end, it was not until Emperor Ming Ke, that is, the generation of Ji Ding’s great-great-grandson, that he finally figured out a good emperor in the traditional sense who was not so lazy, could endure loneliness, and was willing to work hard for the country and the people, but I don’t know Is it historical inertia or other reasons.

With someone like him who was a good emperor and succeeded to the throne, the national power of the Southern Zhou Dynasty became worse and worse.

There are even signs of turning from prosperity to decline..."

After finishing this paragraph, which can almost be regarded as the unofficial history of Ji Ding's biography, Jiang Weihe soon started a new interesting topic, and continued to talk about other unofficial histories:

"After talking about the emperor, let's talk about the folklore. It is said that the Queen Mother Regent of the Southern Zhou Dynasty was a master of martial arts, and she was able to stabilize the government by relying on martial arts.


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