Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 462 Happy Blind Box Machine (11) [Two in One]

[Hundred sets of prison uniforms can cover the body. 】

[Sixty boxes of lead powder can be used for suicide whitening. 】

[Ten cans of moisturizing cream, very moisturizing. 】

[A box of cheap jewelry, from a certain Ukraine. 】

[A barrel of appetizing pills, digestion and appetizing. 】

[A red sandalwood footstool, you can sit on it. 】

[Ten pairs of skates. 】

[A set of magic castle toy building blocks. 】

[Three thousand-forged steel Longquan swords. 】

[One novel, one comic, one TV series and one movie, and one holographic game chip. 】

With the opening of the blind box, Ding Yun's mind was like a virus in the computer, and a lot of information popped out all at once, and these were the things she opened.

I have to say that this blind box machine is a pit as always, and it makes people very "happy" as always.

What the hell are these prison uniforms?

Is one hundred sets a Hanfu party?

After decades of release, there may still be people who will buy them. Who would buy prison uniforms and go home these days?

Let alone the lead powder with heavy metals seriously exceeding the standard, she dare not use it herself. No matter how you look at it, it is something that can only be put in the house to collect dust and is not used at all.

Ding Yunna looked at the things around him while comparing the instructions, and while complaining frantically in his heart, he classified the things that were opened, and divided the things that could be sold into one side, and the things that could not be sold that could be used by himself were allocated to the other side.

You can neither sell yourself nor use it.

Split to the other side.

"The Longquan sword was actually made by that adult toy blind box, this thing is really outrageous and really reasonable, the sword is not just for adults to play with.

But what do I need this thing for?

Now don't let the swordsmen fight for righteousness! "

"It's okay to read novels and comics, but what's the point of giving me a CD directly for movies and TV shows?

Is it possible that I still have to buy a projector? "

"The holographic game chip is even more outrageous. Where can I find something that can hold the chip, my God!"

I have to say that too old things have disadvantages of being too old, such as lead powder in prison uniforms, and being too advanced also has disadvantages, such as holographic game chips, it is better to give a little bully learning machine.

It doesn't work at all.

At the same time, Ding Yun felt even more confused. There seemed to be nothing among these things that could serve as a pillar industry for her in the future. She couldn't just open a grocery store dedicated to hunting novelties, and she could just sell whatever she came out with.

It's okay to think about it.

But it's impossible in practice.

After all, the things she opened out of the blind box should be regarded as three-no products. Now the laws and regulations are not perfect, and there is probably no problem selling them. But after a few years, the laws and regulations will be sound and the inspection will be stricter.

It would be wrong to send myself to prison.

So thinking about it this way, the food industry is still the most reliable, and the requirements for fresh ingredients are not so strict.

In addition, it seems to be okay to do copying.

She has a blind box of novels and a blind box of comics.

As long as you break through the barrier in your heart, it's easy.

However, after a long time, Ding Yun couldn't make a decision. She planned to continue to procrastinate, maybe when the money stolen from her original body was recovered and the funds became more abundant.

She can make better decisions.

After I no longer feel entangled in my heart, the next step is of course to start packing the newly disassembled things. The Longquan sword is not easy to sell for the time being, and I don’t need it myself, so I put it away first, put the toys aside, and give it to my daughter directly later. The appetizer pills that can be sold are also placed first.

Go out tomorrow and set up a stall to sell.

The lead powder was poured out directly, and the box was kept.

Just dispenses a 1 liter jar of moisturizing face cream.

After finishing all this work, Ding Yun washed up and gave the toy building blocks to the daughter by the way, but she regretted it not long after, because Yuan Meng, who got the toy building blocks, was so excited that she didn't sleep much all night. Give it to her at night, and give it to her again during the day tomorrow.

But it's not good to give it back.

Coupled with the fact that tomorrow is a holiday, it is hard for her to explain that she has to go to school tomorrow, and let her daughter go to bed early.

So Ding Yun could only endure it.

Then I yawned early the next morning, washed my face with cold water, and made some breakfast by the way. Then I told my daughter who was not going to school today to stay at home and not to run around. I went to set up a stall with appetizing pills, cheap jewelry and the like.

Not to mention, business is still good.

Even if they came here to buy rice cakes, after seeing the things she was selling, they bought some.

No way, who made her things cheap and good.

That appetizing pill is actually made of hawthorn or something like that. Ding Yun sells it at the same price as hawthorn paste, so everyone will buy it as hawthorn paste, and it tastes much better than hawthorn paste. Whether you eat it by yourself It's still good to buy it back for the sweet mouth of the child.

What's more, plastic jewelry is a craft made decades later. Although it is made of cheap materials such as copper and iron, rhinestones, and fake pearls, it looks pretty good-looking regardless of the value.

In addition, Ding Yun didn't sell them expensively, they were all a few yuan each, the cheapest one was one yuan, and the most expensive was only five or six yuan. There is no way to compare.

These jewelry look much better than hairpin hairpins.

Whenever a young girl with some money in her hand sees them, she will be tempted. Some older girls who love beauty can't walk, so they stop and choose carefully, and bargain with Ding Yun at the same time.

And Ding Yun is also easy to talk.

Discount if you buy more.

Therefore, it is quite hot to sell.

The last big box of cheap jewelry was sold out earlier than the appetizing pills, and some people kept asking if they would buy new ones in the future, and even people kept coming over to buy them. When they heard that they were sold out, It may not be sold again in the future. Those people are not as indifferent as they heard that the food is sold out and may not be sold again in the future. Instead, they all ask Ding Yun to sell it again. They can increase the price, give more money, etc. .

Ding Yun was not allowed to leave without a positive reply.

In this regard, Ding Yun can only say that he tries his best.

Then he quickly closed the booth and went to the police station.

Find out what the current situation is, has the interrogation result come out, and can the money be obtained?

It's a pity that the thief who hid the money has a hard mouth.

Still refused to say where the money went.

So Ding Yun could only return disappointed again.

In the next two days, Ding Yun continued to sell the skates and prison uniforms one after another, and finally sold the skates. As well as the price reduction, it eventually sold out fairly easily.

Prison uniforms are really hard to sell.

It would be fine if it was a pure white dress, but the pure white dress has a word prison on the chest, the overall artistic conception and the feeling it brings to people are completely different.

Someone said it when Ding Yun started selling.

He doesn't even want this thing for nothing, it's unlucky.

And when it was first sold, it was indeed as he said, the crowds were only watching the excitement, and those who didn’t spend money to buy it. What everyone was more interested in was who came up with this thing, and which fool would buy it? .

And Ding Yun's external excuse was that he made too many costumes.

She bought it at a low price, and only sold it at the cost price. No one would be able to tell if it was worn under the clothes, so it was absolutely fine.

But no one bought it no matter what she said.

In the end, Ding Yun really had no other choice, and he didn't want to pile up the prison uniforms at home to cause trouble, so he could only lower the price to a minimum, lower than buying fabrics to make such a dress, and finally someone was willing to buy it.

I still buy it back and plan to change it and wear it again.

Fortunately, the cost of low-level blind boxes is not high.

Otherwise, I will really lose my life.

When the batch of clothes were sold out, Ding Yun immediately went to the police station to inquire about the news as usual, but this time she knew that there should be good news as soon as she went in.

Because Xu Ping smiled when she saw her, and her expression was completely different from the previous few times when she saw her. If she couldn't control her emotions because of something good that happened to her, it must be the thing she kept asking. If there is a result, there is a high probability that the money will be recovered.

Afterwards, the situation was exactly as Ding Yun expected.

Before she asked, Xu Ping smiled and said:

"Sister Song, I was just talking about you, come here, come here, the case is settled, and all your money has been recovered, it's not bad for a penny, and those guys have not had time to use your money. Got caught."

"Really? That would be great!"

Anyway, this is a good thing, so of course Ding Yun agreed happily, and then asked curiously: "Then where did they hide the money?

Didn't you tell me last time that you turned those guys' lairs upside down and didn't find any money? "

"Well, to be honest, if it wasn't for asking where they hid the money from their mouths, we would never have imagined that they would hide the money in the ancestral grave even if we were killed.

The boss of their organization dug up their ancestral grave, removed the corpse of the ancestor inside, and moved it to another place for burial, and then hid all the money they stole in the coffin every once in a while, except for daily expenses Other than that, the rest are inside the coffin.

He said he wanted to learn from the big companies on Hong Kong Island.

Dividends at the end of the year, alas, fortunately they have this idea, if they don't have this idea, if they steal as much as they want, they will really not get back the money. "

Because this is not information that needs to be kept secret, Xu Ping naturally told Ding Yun.

And I also feel that Ding Yun is very lucky.

If you run into a thief organization who is willing to save money, if you run into someone who only knows how to squander, then there is really no hope of getting the money back, and I'm afraid you can only consider yourself unlucky.

"Has the money gone to the ancestor's grave?

Damn, these guys are really brave, ghosts and gods are not afraid, let alone being thieves with such courage, I guess it should be easy to be a tomb robber or something! "

Hearing this, Ding Yun just made fun of it casually.

However, the speaker had no intention, but the listener had intention. Just as he walked to Xu Ping, the team leader who was planning to call Xu Ping, when he heard Ding Yun mention the tomb robber, a flash of inspiration suddenly came to his mind.

Then he hastily stepped forward and asked:

"How did you think they could be tomb robbers?"


He jumped out so suddenly, and his voice was so sudden and loud, it really shocked Ding Yun:

"I'll just say it casually..."

"Captain, what's the matter? Is there anything the tomb robber can't say? Sister Song is the victim. She listened to me and came to collect the money. The tomb robber just said it casually. She heard me say that the money was hidden in the ancestral grave." I said it."

Xu Ping also hurried to help explain. She thought that the captain had only heard half of what the captain said, and only heard things like tomb robbers.

Seeing this, Zhu Shichong also knew that Ding Yun and the others had misunderstood, and quickly explained: "No, I'm really sorry.

I'm not questioning you, I just heard you suddenly mention why they don't want to be tomb robbers, and I thought of a problem I found when I was looking for money.

Xu Ping, do you still remember that we found a bunch of junk in that lair of thieves, but they were all scraps of copper and iron, with no value at all, and then we didn't care about them.

But now being inspired by her, I suddenly thought of those things, could they be from the grave?

Funeral goods or something...

After a long time, it is normal to be broken! "

"Uh...it seems possible.

After all, being able to dig one ancestral grave means that he doesn't mind digging a second or third ancestral grave at all, but isn't he digging his own ancestral grave? Is it tomb robbery? "

Xu Ping also reacted at this time.

"What I mean is, wasn't an ancient tomb stolen in our county some time ago, and no clues have been found. This may be the breakthrough."

Speaking of this, Zhu Shichong hurriedly thanked him, and then began to instruct Xu Ping to continue investigating the case:

"Well, thank you for the inspiration.

Xiao Xu, you take her to go through the formalities quickly, and then I will go to the lair of the thief with me again. I will contact the appraisal experts, and you should finish the matter quickly. "

After speaking, he turned around and went to work.

Xu Ping also thoughtfully pulled Ding Yun to go through the formalities for her, and returned the 16,000 yuan to her.

Then he got busy too.

Although Ding Yun was curious, it was obviously not the time to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, so she could only leave the police station with some doubts, and instead of going home in a hurry, she first took part of the 16,000 yuan. Ten thousand yuan was saved, and six thousand yuan was charged into the happy blind box machine, and then I went to the newsstand to look for newspapers in peace.

Find out if there is any news about tomb robbery.

Yuan was not very literate, and had no habit of subscribing to newspapers, and Ding Yun didn't pay attention to the news after she came here.

So this is what needs to be found out now.

I searched and asked the boss.

The owner of the newsstand thought for a while, and found the newspaper that Ding Yun wanted from the pile of old newspapers beside him.

Then it was sold to her at the original price.

Originally, old newspapers had to be sold at a discount, and if they could not be sold out for a long time, they could only be sold as waste paper. But now that someone wants it, and it seems that they are quite urgent, he naturally doesn't mind restoring the original price, and Ding Yun doesn't care about it either. It's eight cents, and after giving the money, I took the newspaper and turned it over.

At the same time, the owner of the newsstand explained:

"On the first page of the society page, counting the headlines that day, it said that a tomb of a Western Zhou or Eastern Zhou Dynasty in our county was stolen, and it seemed to be some kind of king.

It is said that it has some value, so it needs to be thoroughly investigated.

It's been a few days, and nothing new. "

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