Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 688 Fairy Card Drawer (18)

When relevant news reaches the public.

Ding Yun was left speechless.

Good guy, this is her fault.

Fortunately, she only made up the image of the goddess of the month, and did not use her real face and identity.

If he used it, he would not have to be disturbed by Emperor Longsheng every day, hoping for longevity, but Ding Yun was powerless to stop this kind of thing, so he could only continue to pretend that he didn't know, and live his own life behind closed doors, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter outside the princess' mansion.

As for the ordinary people, they gossip and gossip at the beginning, and then continue to earn money. After all, it has nothing to do with them when the emperor asks God for divination. not affect their interests.

He can do whatever he likes.

Only some loyal civil and military officials are worried about it, as if the sky is falling, and this is only a small part, because there are still some civil and military officials who are already busy how to take advantage of this opportunity and grasp the angle Xunxian visits Taoism to please Emperor Longsheng, so that he can be promoted.

Anyway, for now.

What Emperor Longsheng did had little impact.

Even because he was worried that his lack of disaster relief would affect the senses of the fairy, he paid extra attention to this disaster relief, and many officials under his command were afraid to reach out for the disaster relief funds, which made the disaster relief process very fast.


Time flies, and it's New Years Eve again.

Because this year is the third year that was agreed at the beginning, Ding Yun specially prepared one hundred thousand taels of silver, and before the new year, he ordered his subordinates to investigate what his juniors have done in the past three years and how they have achieved.

Prepare for the three-year assessment rewards.

But after getting the survey results, Ding Yun can only say that he is a little happy, but not that happy, because those younger generations have indeed improved, but there are too few who have improved. I'm still studying, and I haven't achieved anything.

Those juniors who did not enter the Guozijian, the greatest achievement so far is to be admitted as a child student, and they did not even pass the exam as a scholar.

Three more merchants went bankrupt.

The only one who is barely considered a little bit of success, relying on the daughter-in-law's natal family, which is originally a businessman's family, got on the right track within three years and started to be able to guarantee profits.

As for those who follow the path of generals.

What it was like three years ago is basically what it is now. For example, Qin Yuan, he is still a personal guard.

Of the two who received low-level military honors, one was eating at home and waiting to die, and the other bought a position as a military officer with money, and was still in the position of a hundred households in the frontier. Now they are on duty in northern Xinjiang, because the distance is relatively far away. It's not clear exactly what happened, but at least this great-great-grandson named Qin Yangchun still has the motivation to do better.

In addition, there are those juniors who learn weaving and embroidery.

Nearly two years down.

So far no one has successfully cleared the customs.

After the investigation, the first thing Ding Yun did was to reduce the amount of money that was allocated for the preparation. With such a small score, he still wanted to share one hundred thousand taels of silver. To put it bluntly, he sold them in packages based on their current value.

They all sold for less than one hundred thousand taels.

So Ding Yun directly withheld 60,000 of the 100,000 taels of silver he had prepared, and then sent someone to notify them to go home for the New Year and the agreed assessment.

Assessments are different.

For the assessment of adult children, Ding Yun is mainly to understand their progress and achievements in the past three years, while for the minors, he will take a few papers to learn what they have learned in the past three years and the progress of their knowledge.

Therefore, the specific examination time is not long. It took a total of one day for the examination, and Ding Yun finished correcting the paper overnight.

Results came out the next day.

"Last night, I finished grading your papers overnight. In addition, I also sent someone to investigate your changes and progress in the past three years.

Now I will announce the results of the assessment. "

"Those who scored A on the test paper will be rewarded with 1,000 taels per person, those who scored B on the paper will get five hundred taels, those who scored C will get 100 taels, and those who scored D will get 10 taels. I will go to the warehouse to pick it up later. The papers have just been distributed to you guys.

For the rest, the seven companies are basically the same as they were three years ago. Let’s go home now. The three companies that went bankrupt each went to the warehouse to receive five hundred taels of silver. .

It's just that the ability is not enough, keep working hard.

The three students who passed the exam were awarded two thousand taels each.

And I remember, there are still a few children who were just engaged a few months ago and will be married next year, right?

Maybe two thousand taels of silver per person.

Men add dowry, women add dowry!

Don’t feel unhappy about those who passed the Tongsheng exam. Their marriage is a one-off deal. If you pass the exam in the future, you will continue to be rewarded. The people you mentioned just now should leave first.

Qin Yangchun's daughter-in-law stays, I have something to say! "

After talking about the rewards that had been set long ago, Ding Yun dismissed the people mentioned.

On the one hand, he specially kept Qin Yangchun's wife behind.

After everyone left, Ding Yun recruited Qin Yangchun's wife to his side, patted her hand, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing to keep you here. Looking at it in the past three years, Yang Chun is the most courageous and hardworking one. Whether the Qin family can still gain a foothold in the noble circle after I die, I'm afraid it depends on you." Even though he hasn't made much progress in the past three years because there was no war, but he has the courage to go to the frontier, and he has already surpassed his peers.

Originally, I wanted to reward you with 10,000 taels.

But after thinking about it, it is useless for him to have this money in the frontier, so I will give you 1,000 taels for daily chewing, and I will add more to see if I can match him with magical weapons and body protection Bao Jia and the like.

The other is to make contacts in the army for him.

In addition, send some money to him, so that he can make good friends with his boss and support his own staff.

How about this..."

So far, the only one who seems to be promising is Qin Yangchun.

With no other choice, Ding Yun can only choose to invest in him, hoping that he can really stand on his feet in the future and pass on the Qin family, which is not bad.

During the time when Qin Yangchun was going to the frontier, what Qin Xushi was most worried about was his safety, and other things came second, so at this time, Ding Yun said that he would get him a magical weapon and a protective armor. Naturally, there is no one who is unwilling, after all, everything is possible only when a person is alive!

She now has a daughter under her knees.

If something really happened to the husband, it would be useless to ask for the ten thousand taels of silver. Whether it can be kept is the question:

"What my ancestors were worried about was exactly what I was worried about.

I don't have much money to spend in the capital, why don't I hand over the rest of the money to my husband, so that I can feel more at ease staying in the capital! "

"No, you have some money in your hand.

He is on duty at the frontier, so he can feel more at ease! "

After Ding Yun politely refused, he gave her a thousand taels of silver bills on the spot, and then asked some details, such as what Qin Yangchun probably lacked in the frontier, and if he needed help, she could prepare something to send .

After the descendants of his descendants had been sent away, Ding Yun also specially made many other preparations for Qin Yangchun, the great-great-grandson, for example, he bought a caravan and only operated the trade route from the capital to Qin Yangchun's location.

It is convenient to transport things to him and communicate with him.

Anyway, he is the only seed player in the family now.

There are resource supplies.

As for the other juniors, they are weak and self-motivated, so spending money on them is not in vain?

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