Quick Transmigration Goldfinger Trialist

Chapter 92 Eternal One Emperor System (11) [Two in One]

Even though Ding Yun had tried his best to control the leakage of news, as the day of her enthronement approached, related news gradually spread out of Chang'an City.

Compared with what ordinary people know.

The eldest princess is mainly concerned with the simple information of her enthronement.

Because the aristocratic family has very close ties with officials in the court, and even those officials are members of their family, they have more detailed information.

Even what happened in the palace at that time.

It's all clear.

After some small aristocratic families received the news, they basically planned to stand still for the time being, and then adapt to the situation. Depending on the specific situation, they decided whether to cooperate with other aristocratic families to rebel or continue to live in peace.

The big family and the other five great families.

Internally, however, there was some controversy.

The controversy then prevented the woman from ascending the throne and proclaiming the emperor, or should we just let the flow take its course and see the situation.


Cui's house in Huaixi, the interior of the ancestral house in the ancestral land.

Cui Yingjie, the current Patriarch, along with several family elders and high-ranking direct clan members, basically arrived within ten days after receiving the news.

And get together to discuss the solution.

"I don't think I need to repeat what happened specifically, you just talk about how we should deal with it.

It's just turning a deaf ear, as if nothing happened.

Or intervene.

Can't let a woman over our heads? "

Although the patriarch of a family definitely has a high status and has enough right to speak. But even the emperor can't do things without being stopped and persuaded, let alone the patriarch of a family, it doesn't matter to him to decide small things privately, but when encountering big things, he still has to negotiate, and this matter is definitely not a small matter.

So it is natural for everyone to get together and negotiate together. Moreover, even if their family's internal negotiations come to a result, it is impossible to implement it immediately, because they have to communicate with other powerful families.

In order to minimize the losses of each family, before doing some big things, those powerful families will basically communicate with each other. If everyone agrees, then unite to advance and retreat together. This will not only reduce the losses of each family, but also display more Magnificent power.

Form a torrent of great momentum.

Crushing everything against their existence.

"In my opinion, it's better not to mind your own business.

The world has only been stabilized for a few years, and if there is a disturbance, it will cause a lot of damage. As long as she doesn't affect us or infringe our interests, what does it matter who is the emperor? It is better for a woman to be emperor.

Maybe it will be more beneficial for us to control the general situation of the world.

After all, the more incompetent the emperor is.

We can play more freely is not.

Besides, isn't that Duguluan still a member of the Dugu family? Compared to us, the rest of the Dugu tribe should be more anxious now. In my opinion, we should not end this matter in person, even if it is not very important. If we are satisfied with a woman enthroned and proclaimed emperor, then we can also help other members of the Dugu family in private, let them fight for the throne, and we can just hide behind the scenes.

Master, what do you think of my suggestion? "

Soon, a mature and prudent clan elder suggested that he didn't want the clan to get involved in such troublesome matters without harming their interests.

Because the success of participating in this kind of thing does not necessarily mean that their family will benefit much, but if they fail.

That must be a huge loss.

"I don't agree, this is no longer a matter of family interests or not, but a matter of my face after waiting for a man for thousands of years, a woman is above so many of our men, what kind of talk is that!

Looking back at the records in the Historical Records, those of us who were contemporaries of Dugu Luan would be laughed at by future generations. This kind of thing can almost be regarded as a thing that will last forever, how can we allow it to happen?

In my opinion it must be opposed.

Even a change of dynasty must be resolutely opposed. "

Some people start from the interests of the family, and naturally some people look at this matter from other perspectives, and feel that this matter has not only involved the honor and disgrace of the family, but also involves the face of all men. If this matter really happens, the women in the family will Not yet.

"Indeed, a woman's ascension to the throne will inevitably cause endless harm. The most important thing is that you don't forget that Dugu Luan has a daughter, and her daughter has the blood of the previous royal family. If we just let Dugu Luan ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor like this , then her daughter.

There will be a great probability of inheriting her throne.

There may not be any deep hatred between us and Duguluan. After all, her husband, Lingdi, was not killed by us, he died by taking medicine, but there may be a deep hatred between her daughter and us.

After all, the former royal family was destroyed by our cooperation.

As for her, she already has the blood of the Dugu family, so it is reasonable to be inconvenient to take action against the Dugu family, but for us, she will not be inconvenient, and we will be very passive by then.

Why not simply take advantage of this opportunity this time and directly wipe out Dugu Luan and her girl with the blood of the former royal family, and really wipe out the roots!

Prevention is the key.

Don't feed tigers! "

Soon, someone made a suggestion in another direction that most people hadn't thought of.

"If you want me to say, there is no need to make a big fuss about this matter. If you are really worried, the worst thing is to send someone to assassinate her daughter. Why bother to mobilize many family alliances for such a trivial matter.

It is time to change the dynasty.

How much damage will this battle cause?

The county under my jurisdiction has experienced a war ten years ago, and the population has not recovered to the level of ten years ago, and the tax revenue is less than 70% of ten years ago, so it is better not to go to war rashly.

If it can be solved by other small means, it can be solved by other small means, even if it is not aboveboard, it is better than starting a war, which will eventually lead to the misery of the people. "

"Indeed, once a war is provoked, our family's years of accumulation will consume a lot. This consumes all our family's heritage. Frequent consumption may not be conducive to the long-term prosperity of the family. The most important thing is the previous few years. A lot of years have been consumed, and this is less than ten years, so I don't agree with provoking war for this matter.

Or peaceful development is best. "

In fact, for the aristocratic family, they don't want to see frequent wars, because once the war starts, even if they don't participate in it, they will have to increase their own protection power. , If too many people die.

It may even lead to a large reduction in population.

They couldn't find anyone to cultivate land for them.

Sales of products will also decrease.

These are all losses to them.

So unless their interests are really hurt, they will generally be relatively restrained.

There are even more people who have this kind of thinking.

So after some disputes and discussions, the Cui family finally agreed not to resort to violence, and decided to use other means to resolve the majority of Duguluan and her daughter.

At the same time, the results of the discussions of the other powerful families were generally consistent. Occasionally, a few families wanted to make big things, but in the end it was because of the relatively beneficial decrees issued by Ding Yun before he ascended the throne. In the end, the flags and drums died down. Although he did not expressly support Ding Yun's ascension to the throne, he did not deliberately stop him.

Thus, Ding Yun ascended the throne.

Although there may be some undercurrents in private, and even she has been assassinated and poisoned several times, at least everyone is living in harmony on the surface, and no one directly raised troops to oppose or cause large-scale turmoil.

And this is actually exactly what Ding Yun wanted.

Before she had accumulated enough strength.

Everything is centered around maintaining stability.

In addition, she also accepted the novice mission the day before she ascended the throne, and opened the main task and the points mall at the moment of her official ascension.

The opening requirement of the main task is to ascend the throne and proclaim the emperor.

The opening requirement of the mall is the activation of the main task.

Therefore, as soon as she ascends the throne, these two requirements can be regarded as being fulfilled simultaneously, and the opening is naturally a matter of course.

Of course, this was not the thing that surprised Ding Yun the most. What surprised her the most was that because she accepted the novice mission the day before she ascended the throne, after she ascended the throne the next day, among the three novice missions required to have her own The task of the territory jumped directly from the initial tens of thousands of acres to more than five million square kilometers.

This number has already occupied more than 80% of the territory in the world, one can imagine how terrifying it is.

And the amount of excess rewards for this task is huge.

According to Ding Yun's understanding, the system should have directly acquiesced in her status as emperor, and the area under the emperor's jurisdiction in name, and the area where the emperor can collect taxes, should all be counted as her newly added territory.

As for why not all territories of the country.

And only 80% of the territory counts.

The high probability is because the remaining 20% ​​of the territory may not have paid taxes or even been recorded in the register. It is regarded as hidden land. Naturally, such a territory cannot be regarded as belonging to the emperor, so such an amount is reasonable.

But no matter what, the overcompletion reward of this novice task alone is enough to make Ding Yun buy a lot in the points mall, and it is also enough for her to open the lord branch system smoothly. Through the function of the system, determine her The specific degree of loyalty of subordinates.

And whether it is loyal or not, whether it is a traitor or not.

Once the betrayal will be reminded.

This is definitely the only magic weapon for employing people.

With this branch system, it will be much easier for Ding Yun to employ people in the future. There is no need to examine his past character, determine his psychology, etc., and carefully consider his specific degree of loyalty.

It's just that because she has just ascended the throne, not only many people's eyes have been on her, but there are also many people around her, so even Ding Yun is very excited because the system is finally fully activated and can be fully used.

But he still barely controlled his expression at the altar, and he didn't appear too happy because of it.

And completed the corresponding ceremony according to the rules.

From morning till evening.

The enthronement process is considered complete.

After completing the enthronement, Ding Yun officially started the usual process after other emperors ascended the throne in the past, that is, conferring heroes in the harem, such as canonizing the queen mother as the empress dowager, conferring her sisters who did not participate in the rebellion as princes, conferring The daughter is the Empress Dowager.

In addition, the meritorious ministers this time also have their own titles, some have been promoted to official positions, and some have been granted titles, which can be regarded as an alternative distribution of spoils.

After all, everyone is talking to her with their heads up.

Now that it's successful, don't give me any benefits.

That is really unreasonable.

After the canonization was completed, Ding Yun could clearly see through the lord's branch system that many subordinates who were not particularly loyal at first had their loyalty values ​​increased a lot. The reason is that the increase rate is not that big, and only a few of them may be uncomfortable in their hearts, and they are not very willing to work under the hands of women.

Even if he was rewarded, the loyalty value did not increase.

These people were all recorded in Ding Yun's notebook.

Some important things in the future.

Definitely can't ask them to do it.

When everyone finished discussing meritorious deeds and rewards, the sky was already dark, and Ding Yun had nothing to say here at night, so he quickly announced the dispersal of the court, and then brought her freshly baked empress dowager girl.

A little apprehensive, I went to Weiyang Palace to meet the Queen Mother.

Of course, it is now promoted to the empress dowager.

Ever since she led many soldiers into the palace to seize the throne that day, she has never known how to face her grandma, the queen mother. These days, she is trying to comfort herself by saying that she is busy recently, but now, no matter how busy she is, After she's enthroned, it's time to get busy.

It's not a big deal to not see each other all the time, so today, after conferring the queen mother as the empress dowager, I took my own empress dowager to the Weiyang Palace.

After entering, there are still people passing through.

"You still know how to come, I thought that after you became the emperor, you would forget about me, a bad old woman!"

Queen Mother, oh, no, now she can be regarded as the Empress Dowager, and the Empress Dowager is still the same as in the past, no one will give face, and she is not polite.

As soon as he saw Ding Yun, he said angrily.

Ding Yun could only apologize quickly with a smile all over his face:

"What's the matter, grandma, if I say I'm too busy, I'm lying to you. The reason why I didn't dare to come is that I don't know how to face you, and I don't know what you think of me as a woman enthroned. emperor……"

Because Ding Yun knew very well that her grandma was a very clear-headed person, not only did she not have dementia, but she was also more sober than many normal young people, so she naturally did not dare to fool around at all, and could only speak bluntly.

"Even if you're a girl, you're quite clever.

Don't fool me with those nonsense, you ascended the throne as a woman, I don't know if it's good or bad, but your father killed himself, I told him many years ago, let him discipline you Several princes.

The result is better now, don't listen to the old man's words.

Die before me!

Sit down, let's have a heart-to-heart talk, I never realized before that you also have the ambition to be an emperor, and the most outrageous thing is that you have succeeded.

Tell me, what are you going to do next?

I heard that you canonized the empress dowager, so you really plan to let your daughter inherit the throne and have two generations of empresses? "

It may be because after so many days, no matter how big the event was, it was not as shocking as it was at the beginning, so the empress dowager's mood at this time was not bad. Even from the analysis of her tone, it seemed that she didn't care much about her son's death. Sad, and even a sense of secret joy when I said it.

After speaking, he directly pulled Ding Yun to sit down.

I plan to have a heart-to-heart talk with grandparents and grandchildren.

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