Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1191: Lanling Ghost King VS talented female monk (23)

Listening to the narrative of Linger, her master was also silenced.

Like everyone else, he has never seen the legendary Lanling Ghost King.

When I heard that the other person was a female ghost and was a rare character, his expression was already a bit strange.

When I heard that the other party had no difficulty in my own little disciple, and even finally put her back safely, the eyes of Master Linger could have been described as ghosts.

But he learned from his younger disciples that he would not lie.

Her master originally thought that the little apprentice is so sensible now, and since he is already wrong, the punishment can be lighter.

But this time, Linger seems to have changed into a person, and he is determined to do what he says.

She said: "Master, this time going out, the squad is only a frog at the bottom of the well. It was ridiculously short-sighted, and thought that this meager strength is already a strong peak. Please ask Master to be an up-and-coming heart."

The disciples have already said this, and how can they say something better when they are masters?

Her master sighed and said: "Well, since this is your own request, you will agree to you for the teacher. Only one, this thought over the cliff, after going up, it is not allowed to come out until the age. Thinking of the bitter cold on the cliff, you are Don't regret it."

Linger's face is firm: "Please ask Master to rest assured that the disciples are responsible for their own words."

Her master nodded and saw no.

Although he said that he would send his little disciple from Xiaojiao to Siqiao, he was more pleased.

Linger’s talent has nothing to say, that is, the temper is impetuous, and there is no way to really sink the heart to practice.

This trip to Lanling seems to be a blessing in disguise.


Phoenix family.

The phoenix family is a natural protoss. The land where they live is the land of the nine heavens, where the sun sets, and the light will never disappear.

They are races that are always cared for by the light.

The phoenix sits lazily on a sycamore tree, and the setting sun will fall. He even feels that he can reach the hot temperature when he reaches out.

"Feng Yu." There are people of the same family calling him.

Feng Yan turned his head and saw a figure wearing a golden red robe slowly coming towards this side.

The body is long and elegant.

Somehow, Feng Xiao remembered what Gu Sheng had said before.

This is true, most of the phoenixes of the Phoenix family are so elegant, and... basically all single.

However, the reason is not the unpopularity that Feng Xiao said, but the Phoenix family, the vision is too high.

He thought that the other party had come to him.

The sound of the clean voice was introduced into his ear: "I heard that you sent your feathers out?"

The phoenix's feathers have many roots, but it is worthwhile to deliberately come up with only one.

Every adult phoenix will produce the most beautiful glory of the feathers, and the sacred feathers are only qualified to be owned by the sweethearts recognized by them.

Once the phoenix of the phoenix was accepted, it indicated that the other party accepted the love of the phoenix.

Feng Xiaomei pointed out: "Yes, I am giving away, what happened?"

The phoenix frowns and wonders: "Since the other party accepted your feathers, why didn't you come to this very western place?"

It is also a must-have ceremony to see the tribes with the phoenix.

Four in the morning, four in the daytime tomorrow.

Today is my mother's birthday, wish my goddess a happy birthday, always young

So today I don’t ask for a ticket, but I know that if you love me so much, you will definitely come to marry me.

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