Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1578: Miss Luck, VS, upper room female (3)

So she didn't say anything when she heard this, but she was silently pale and sitting on the sofa with tears in her face.

This look is in the eyes of Zhong Minggang, which makes him feel sad.

In his heart, this woman has been outside for more than 20 years for her own, and now it is hard for her wife to die. He wants to pick her up. What is wrong?

How did the rain become like this? She didn't understand her father's hardship at all.

However, Du Ming has never thought about how his own behavior is too much for the deceased wife and innocent daughter!

He glared at Gu Sheng: "What do you think of what you said? Don't you apologize to your aunt?"

Gu Sheng knew that he did not dare to pay heavy rain.

The mother of heavy rain, Liu Qinghe is the daughter of Liu. Liu’s power in the capital is even stronger.

After Liu Qinghe’s death, he couldn’t wait to pick up An Yan’s mother and daughter. It has already made Liu’s family very dissatisfied. If it is not good for heavy rain, it’s afraid that Liu’s side will be in trouble.

Gu Sheng knew this, so he was directly facing An Yan.

She just wants this woman to know that she is in the door of a heavy family, what about? She shouldn't get it, she still can't get it!

Gu Sheng sorted out his hair because of slowness, and said to the father: "If you don't want me to say something more difficult, don't irritate me."

"I and this woman can never have a day of peace."

She said that she had left the door and did not care what the heavy father was like behind.

If you say something unfilial, such a man is mad, and he will not drop a tear.

After Gu Sheng left, An Yan was suddenly unable to hold back, and burst into tears.

Her kind of woman, the best understanding of what kind of crying can best be a man pity.

Sure enough, the heavy father quickly began to comfort her: "Ayan, don't be sad, Rain has been spoiled by me and her mother since childhood, and her temper is not good. If you say something, don't take it seriously..."

An Yan sneered in the heart, but there was a sorrow on the face: "I really don't know... Yu Yu, she... she would hate me so much, otherwise I will move back and forget..."

When she said this, she had a certain degree of certainty in her heart, and she would never agree with it.

If it really made her move out, wouldn't it mean that his head of the family was compromised like his own daughter?

For a man who is just like this, this is definitely something that cannot be tolerated.

Sure enough, Heming immediately angered: "Do not mention this matter again, you can rest assured, Ayan, there is me, no one in this family will let you leave!"

An Yan’s face touched him into his arms...

Behind these things, Gu Sheng did not even let the system monitor.

She doesn't have to know everything; the two will talk about something, and I don't want to let the system tell me to disgust myself.

Instead of going to her own clothing design studio, she drove to the apartment of her boyfriend Zhong Rong.

Heavy rain and Zhong Rong are relatives, and the two are recognized as golden boys and girls.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhong Rong’s girlfriend, who is heavily raining, is completely like a treasure.

Love is like a treasure?

Love your girlfriend like a treasure, and then join other women in a blink of an eye?

Gu Sheng was sneer.

An Wen is her mission goal.

But she never felt that this woman would pose any threat to herself.

Because, in her hands, she still has a big secret.

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