Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1787: Sad reminder of adventurers VS as a woman's match (26)

Ignore those bloody, about the death of various people.

Gu Sheng finally saw that only Qin Qingqing was left alone.

There are ghosts chasing her, she pushed the ghost in front of her, and ran upstairs.

In the back, Qin Qingqing was crazy.

There is no more detailed description.

But Gu Sheng suddenly grabbed one of the details - upstairs.

Is the key to Qin Qingqing's survival is upstairs?

Gu Sheng’s heart suddenly jumped up.

This time it was not because of fear, but because of excitement.

She suddenly turned her head and said to a man who was pulling his head: "I have a guess."

Everyone looked at her blankly.

Gu Sheng sighed because he saw them: "All spirits come! We haven’t reached the point where we are still running out of water? Think about it, we are sitting in the castle now, eating something and watching the best in the world. What is the dissatisfaction of the horror movie?"

Even in such an environment, Gu Sheng’s jokes still make people laugh.

Zhang Chao laughed out loudly: "Colder is right, it hasn't reached the point where the mountains are running out of water. What are we afraid of?"

Gu Sheng is the favorite person who likes this.

Zhang Chao asked her at this time: "What guess do you have?"

Gu Sheng did not want to tell them that the upstairs is likely to be a hope of surviving. After all, this is only a guess. If it is wrong, then there is hope and despair, is it even more uncomfortable?

She just whispered: "We have been sitting here is not a way, I want to go and see, go to the second floor, will there be any gains."

When she said this, everyone looked at the place where the statue female ghost was located - the place where the statue is located, just the stairs.

This means that if you want to go to the second floor, you must go through the statue of a ghost.


Everyone looked at the stairs, the castle was too big, the stairs were spacious and long.

At least from their point of view, they can only see the ladder that seems to be studded with gold all the way up, and then into the invisible darkness.

Unreasonable is scary.

Qin Qingqing’s first one was paralyzed: “Who knows, will there be anything more terrible on the second floor...”

Gu Sheng interrupted her because of faintness: "Then tell me, what is the difference between encountering a ghost and encountering a group of ghosts? Do you think that we will go to the second floor, in addition to encountering ghosts, what will be encountered? ?"

She looked at other people again.

Zhang Chao first expressed his willingness to go up: "It is a waste of time when we sit here. It is better to take a trip."

Several men expressed their willingness to give it a try. Xue Juan was a little scared, but he nodded.

In fact, everyone knows that the most stupid thing about their current situation is to sit here and not move.

But they are sitting here, knowing that there will be no danger, but if you go to the second floor, no one can predict what will happen.

"Opportunity, always with risk." Gu Sheng only said such a sentence.

Qin Qingqing thought about it and finally stood up.

Gu Sheng is letting everyone back their own bags, this is something that can't be problematic.

She took it seriously: "I don't know if the ghosts will stop us when we go upstairs. Everyone just needs to remember a little and stay close together. In this case, those ghosts have no way to approach us. No matter what happens, don't be afraid, they can't hurt us."

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