Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1811: Sad reminder of adventurers VS as a woman's match (fifty)

Looking at the appearance of a few people, Nicholas obviously understands that he is there, they can not open.

He whispered something to Gu Sheng because of it, and then he said to other people: "I have a little more, you talk slowly."

He yelled at the crowd and nodded. He turned and went out.

Several people waited for him to leave, and finally he was relieved.

Zhang Chao laughed and laughed at himself: "In the face of this, I am more nervous than facing my boss."

Qin Qingqing also smiled and grabbed his chest and made an exaggerated expression: "That is, when I was facing our grade director, I was not so honest."

She wore a light green dress today, which looks playful and cute.

She said, looking at Gu Sheng because of another look, "You and him... really together?"

Others are also curious to look over.

This is nothing to hide, Gu Sheng nodded because of the generous side.

Qing Ge seems to have some concerns: "He is like that after all, you..."

He has some words to stop.

Gu Sheng smiled because of this: "This is nothing, don't worry, we are very good."

Her happiness was written on her face, and everyone saw it and said nothing.

As the groom today, Li Qiang was very busy. The people just gathered together and said a few words and took him away to receive other guests.

Qin Qingqing dragged his chin and looked at Gu Shengyin. Suddenly, he came up with a sentence: "In fact, think about it, cold sister and you are very good with Mr. Felton."

Not waiting for Gu Sheng’s answer, she looked at herself alone and said with a sigh of relief: “There is such a peerless beauty, if you can sleep once... die without regrets!”

Zhang Chao licked the goosebump on his arm: "I said that the young girls now are so open?"

Qin Qingqing gave him a glance: "You old man, you will not understand me."

The old Zhang Chao man felt that he had been hurt.

He silently thought about the mysterious and powerful Mr. Felton, who seemed to be the same age as the old castle, silently saying that he did not want to speak.

Gu Sheng was with several people and witnessed the wedding of Li Qiang and Xue Juan.

After the wedding, she went to see the bride with Nicholas and gave her a gift.

"This is a gift that Nicholas and I have prepared for you. It can bring lucky things." Gu Sheng blinked because of his eyes.

Xue Juan smiled and picked up the past.

When all the guests left, the little couple began to slowly unpack the gift.

It was the turn of Gu Sheng’s small box.

Xue Juan remembered the mysterious man standing next to her, and could not help but be curious about their gifts.

She slowly opened the delicate little box in her hand.

"Wow! So beautiful!" Xue Juan's eyes were splendid.

In the box are two necklaces of obvious couples.

The silver chain is adorned with a small snowball of thumb size.

The little snowball didn't know what the texture was made. At first glance, it was pure white like snow, but when you look closely, it is composed of numerous crystal clear crystals.

The other style is not much different, but the chain is much thicker and the style of the snowball is not so refined.

Think about the mysterious man, Xue Juan said: "Li Qiang, can I wear it for you?"

Li Qiang also thinks that this snowball necklace should be something that is not bad. Especially when it is cold, it can bring luck. It must have its effect, and nodded.

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