Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1829: Staying female student VS beauty. Yan female teacher (sixteen)

When he heard the sound, Gu Sheng’s body was a stiff.

When I saw the man’s face, Gu Sheng smiled because of some embarrassment: “It’s so good, Guan teacher.”

It’s a bit embarrassing to be squashed by the juniors of the family and being hit by the elders on the spot.

Guan Hanting’s mouth is slightly picking: “It’s so good, Zhang Hao’s classmate.”

Gu Sheng smiled and silently turned around and continued to line up.

At this time, Xiaozheng was too talking.

This time, he turned his head and asked Guan Hanting: "Little uncle, do you know that pretty sister?"

Gu Sheng heard the low voice of a man less than a meter away: "Yes, she is a little uncle."

Xiaozheng said too much: "Just this sister said that she can pick up ten dolls, I don't believe it at all!"

Guan Hanting has been standing here, and of course he has heard this conversation.

He glanced at the little girl in the right front who couldn’t wait to shrink herself up. She flashed a smile in her eyes: "Maybe that sister is really amazing."

Xiaozheng had a face on his face and solemnly showed his position: "I don't believe it, little uncle, you are so powerful, and you haven't given so many dolls."

Gu Sheng listened to this Xiaozheng too stressed this time, and the heart is also more energetic.

She looked back and looked at Xiaozheng Tai, who was screaming. She also said with a serious face: "I said Xiaoxiao, your family has taught you not to say that you can't do it. Have you ever taught you? If you don't have a clear grasp, don't just question someone else's words?"

This is obviously difficult for Xiaozheng Tai to understand.

He blinked a little, and obviously didn't know what to answer.

In the end, the little guy can only look at the helpless eyes of his favorite little uncle.

Guan Hanting originally stood on the side and watched the show. At this moment, he received the help of the little guy and asked for a light cough. He pressed the smile on his lips.

He said: "Hey, my sister said yes, you can't just ask others outside, it's very rude."

Obviously, Guan Hanting is in a high position in the heart of Xiao Zhengtai.

Gu Sheng, after looking at Guan Hanting’s words, Xiaozheng’s mouth was stunned, apparently a little wronged.

However, he still said awkwardly to Gu Shengyin.

It’s just that the big eyes are watery, with a tearful drop of tears, so that Gu Sheng’s heart is almost ruined.

She quickly squatted down and snorted at him: "Is the little handsome guy shouting? Don't cry, wait until the older sister is going to give you a doll to play."

However, Xiaozheng Tai is obviously a very practical person and will not be easily conquered by sugar-coated shells.

He said very eloquently: "I have a little uncle, and my uncle will give me a lot of dolls."

Gu Sheng looked up at Guan Hanting because of looking up. It is hard to imagine this person standing in front of the doll machine with a serious look, like the manipulation of the machine in the study of academic problems.

Imagine the picture, she couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, the two girls in front of Gu Sheng left behind with a depressed face. Obviously, there was nothing to gain.

Gu Sheng was blinking at Xiaozheng: "Look well, is your sister talking big? I can catch ten."

She said the last sentence heavily, as if she was emphasizing what it was.

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