Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1871: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (twelve)

She walked quickly into the Great Hall and looked at the figure above the throne of God.

"God." She knelt down and whispered, "Why are you angry?"

Why are you angry?

God also uses this sentence to ask himself.

Because I saw the flowers on the hands of Jialia?

Because someone violated the commandments of heaven?

But how many tens of millions of angels in the paradise have violated the seven virtues?

a lot of.

Those angels have quit, have they ever been angry?


So, just because this angel is Jalia?

God lowered his eyes, and the pale golden scorpion looked straight at the blazing angels lying on the ground.

In her hand, she still holds the bright fairy flower, looking into her own eyes, as always, trust and attachment.

This is still his Galia, nothing has changed.

The inspiring spiritual power in the Great Church suddenly subsided.

At the same time, Gu Sheng held himself up because he felt a soft force.

She stood up obediently and walked over to the figure on the throne.

God does not have any action, it is the default of her approach.

Gu Sheng has been walking to the throne.

She looked up and looked at the figure in front of her in the light.

This is a very threatening light for all creatures, but Gu Sheng does not play a role.

"God, why are you angry?" She whispered the question again.

The gods looked at the blazing angels that were close at hand.

Her good-looking brow wrinkled slightly, and the clear silver scorpion was an obvious concern.

She is worried.

In this world, there are actually angels, worried about the gods?

All angels feel that God is omnipotent, and that his most powerful, not tender, will have any emotions.

But this blazing angel is worried about himself.

God feels this feeling is wonderful.

He did not answer Gu Sheng's question and asked: "Galia, are you worried about me?"

This is not an unrecognizable thing.

Gu Sheng nodded because of it.

The mood of the gods brightened up because of her frank attitude.

But he still said: "I don't need, Galia."

Gu Sheng laughed because of the good-looking voice: "I know that God can do anything. But God, please allow your devout believers to keep you in mind."

The **** did not speak, and he admitted that Galia's words made his mood very good.

Until I saw the bunch of flowers in her hand.

The **** asked: "Galia, the elf flower in your hand, where did you come from?"

Did God know?

Gu Sheng felt a bit novelty, she thought that the gods would not care about these small things.

She replied honestly: "I passed the moon and just saw this bunch of elves."

Her voice is a little lower: "Galia feels that this bunch of flowers is very beautiful, wants..."

She paused for a second, and then seemed to have some kind of courage, looking directly at the **** under the light: "I want to give to God."

A shock in the heart of God.

His voice was a bit weird, but it was covered in a cold tone. Gu Sheng didn't hear it: "You said... you want to give it to me?"

Gu Sheng was a little shy, but he nodded.

In her mind, the gods should get the best.

She did not think that after she nodded, the **** sitting on the throne did not speak for a long time.

Gu Sheng asked because of some embarrassment: "God, you... don't like it?"

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