Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1879: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (twenty)

She pointed to herself and her tone was calm: "If I was really created by your chaotic darkness, then what is the interpretation of the rich and bright nature of my body?"

Chaos darkness is a bit of a word.

She apparently did not think that after hearing such shocking news, Galia could still think so calmly.

Gu Sheng is quite good.

If this eighth blazing angel was created by the chaotic darkness, then when she was born, the chaotic darkness would give her dark attributes for the dark balance of her mouth.

In that case, Galia could not remain in heaven, and even less likely to be the eighth blazing angel of heaven.

Seeing that his lie was dismantled, the chaotic darkness sighed.

"You are very smart, Galia."

Gu Sheng did not take this compliment to heart.

She said, "So, can we communicate honestly now?"

The chaotic darkness put away the smile on his face and his face became very serious.

She said: "Then I will directly say my purpose, Galia, you need to fall."

Gu Sheng’s eyes widened by surprise, it seems that he heard a very funny joke.

The darkness of chaos is self-satisfied: "This world is what I watched. I can't watch it go down. God rejects the darkness, but I..."

"Chaotic darkness!" A cold scream suddenly sounded in this quiet space.

Gu Sheng only felt a shock in his mind.

She looked at the black robe woman in front of her face with the cold and smashed traces of the pieces, no trace.

She suddenly opened her eyes.

Gu Sheng got up from the couch.

The voice of God sounded in her mind: "Galia, come to the Great Church."

Gu Sheng came to the Great Hall because of the obedient change of clothes.

God is still sitting on the throne. At almost any time, Gu Sheng came to the Great Hall and saw a scene like this.

God opened his eyes and looked at the blazing angels who stood under the steps.

There was some anger in his heart, but it was not against Galia, but the darkness of chaos.

God did not think that the darkness of chaos actually hit the idea of ​​Galia.

Suddenly the eyes of God.

A sporadic memory appeared in his mind - Gu Sheng was open to the heart of the heart, and the memory of the party was opened in front of God.

This frank and unreserved move made God's eyes warm.

"If you are chaotic, you don't have to mind." He said to Gu Shengyin.

Gu Sheng was puzzled: "But God..."

She wants to say that the words of chaos and darkness are not all alarmist.

But God interrupted her words: "I will solve it."

Gu Sheng bowed his head because of Yu Shun: "Yes, my god."

God continued: "You are relieved, she will not have a chance to reach you again."

This time chaotic darkness is a part of the world law, and it takes a hole.

After God reacts, she will never let her have a chance.

When Gu Sheng left, the book of Creation was worried and asked: "God, have you really found a solution?"

God replied: "No."

Book of Creation: "..."

God took his eyes: "Jiaulia alone is not enough to maintain the balance of light and dark. And..."

Moreover, he will not let Galia be awkward.


Two more. There are still eight more today.

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