Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1891: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (32)

"God...God, I am really hurt!" The silver figure in her arms has been wet by cold sweat. She opened the scorpion without any focal length, staring blankly at the void in front of her, leaving only the unconscious in her mouth. Shout.

God is pumping.

Looking at this kind of Galia, his heart seems to have raised an unprecedented mood.

Near the heart of the left, there is a faint, delicate pain.

He put Gu Sheng into the holy pool of the Great Hall.

Among the holy pools is the power of faith and the power of the Holy Spirit.

In the past, Gu Sheng was the favorite because of this, but now, her body has just got stuck, and the water in the entire holy pool has boiled.

A warm body caught her from behind her before the painful shouts came out.

Cool and warm energy is introduced into the body of Gu Shengyin from the body close to each other.

The power of the darkness, when encountering this cool and warm energy, seems to have encountered a flood of beasts, anxiously faded toward the back.

But how can their speed survive this energy?

As if the spring snow meets the yang, those dark forces encounter this energy, they are swallowed up, melted, and there is no left.

The pain in the body seems to be slowly alleviating, and Gu Sheng gradually disappeared because of the painful color on his face, and gradually became calm.

She snorted softly, relaxed and leaned back behind her.

The instinct of the body tells her that it is a place that can be relied upon.

The **** doctor of the gods has therefore stagnated.

In order to ensure that his divine power can play a greater role on Galia, he has faded the clothes of both sides.

I was anxious in my heart, and Galia was stiff because of pain, and did not notice this.

but now……

He can feel that Kalia's soft body is relying on his own arms. He can clearly perceive the soft and smooth skin of his partner and his body.


He has never had such an intimate moment with any creature.

The book of Creation is very eye-catching at this time: "God! Your ear tip is a little red!"


The hand of God's subconscious hand waved, and the entire book of the creation of the world flew to the hall of the Great Hall in a parabolic attitude, and reached the foot of a blazing angel.

Lucifer, who is just preparing to report to the Great Church: "..."

When he saw what was under his feet, he looked down.

God's companion artifact, the book of creation, he still knows.

Who dares to throw the book of creation into this way?

There is only one answer.

Lucifer silently stopped.

He bent down and slammed the book of creation that was lying on the ground, reopened, and gently asked: "The book of creation, is it inconvenient for me to see me?"

The book of Creation has always been very fond of the beautiful Lucifer.

It clears the scorpion and intends to maintain its dignity as an artifact. It is said in a serious way: "God has something now. If there is no important problem, then His Royal Highness will come again in the next day."

This time to disturb the words of God, even if it is the Lord of Lucifer, there is no good fruit to eat!

Lucifer was still very eye-catching, and he quickly said: "There is no important problem, I will come back tomorrow."

Waiting for the color of Lucifer to leave, the book of creation sees the sky sadly.

Oh, I don’t know if God can really understand his mind this time.


Four more.

Try to write two more before dinner.

Ask for a monthly ticket, the monthly ticket list has been falling since the 2nd...

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