Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1893: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (34)

Gu Sheng raised his head with some surprise, and he was confronted with the dark golden eyes of God.

She is somewhat puzzled: "Why, the **** in the dream, is not allowed to be close to you... Hey!"

The voice did not fall, and her lips were swallowed up by a **** who had just learned new knowledge.

Holding her in her arms, she seemed to notice the discomfort of her body posture, raising her hand to cover her waist and gently rotating the person into a posture in which Gu Sheng sat on his front side.

It turns out that the talent of men in certain aspects is indeed amazing.

In particular, this man is still a creation god.

Strong enough to match the body of the blazing angel does not need to change the air, so that is, Gu Sheng is still somewhat dizzy because of this kiss.

She felt that the man under him seemed to be as terrible as eating himself.

It was finally released, Gu Sheng was softly squatting on the chest of God, and some depressed said: "How can this dream be true?"

God who was eaten with tofu and eaten tofu: "..."

All this thought that he was dreaming, he is also very convinced!

I am going to help people to tell her if she is dreaming, and God will helplessly discover that Galia has fallen asleep on herself.

God: "..."

The fate is that the posture between the two is now "harmonious."

God can feel without any obstacles, and Kalia's soft boneless body is tightly attached to oneself.

As a man who just wants to understand his own mind, the emotional object is on his own in such a imaginative posture.

Even God can't help it.

He has a reaction.

God has always been a person who has no scruples, because there is never anything in this world, and it is worthy of his grievances.

However, now there is.

God silently held Gu Sheng because he was lying in the holy pool, waiting for the strange impulse in the body to stop.

During this period, the forgotten book of creation has been silently watching the sky outside the gate of the Great Church.

"What has God done for so long?"

The book page of the book of Creation is screaming and finally stops on a certain page.

If there are angels passing by, they will find that they have a big headline on the pages of the most cold and precious mysterious creation book in their minds.

"One hundred and eight things that will be done after the men and women who are in love with each other"


Gu Sheng has been sleeping for a long time.

When she woke up for a long time, there was even a piece of fragmentation in her mind.

Soon, her thoughts came back, but she was distracted by another thing - the power in her body was gone!

"System?" She subconsciously called the system, but did not get any answer.

Gu Sheng was sitting up.

Very good, there is no discomfort on the body.

Looking back, Gu Sheng was looking at this very well-decorated hall.

It is very much like the Great Church.

But Gu Sheng can be sure that he has never seen it here.

The next moment, there was a figure in front of her.

Gu Sheng because of a sigh, God?

In front of this, wearing a white robe, the silver hair fell, and the forehead with a diamond-shaped bright stone forehead.

Such a face, such a whole body, can not be forgotten by anyone who has seen it once.

To her a little stunned look, the white robe **** just bent down: "You wake up, Galia."


Six more.

One ticket ticket! Have dinner~

See you in the evening.

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