Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1895: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (36)

The **** looked at Galia and looked calm. It didn't seem to be very lost.

He let go of his heart.

God knows that many angels are very persistent in their power, and losing powerful power is an unacceptable thing for many angels.

He had some concerns before that Galia would be sad, but apparently he underestimated the heart of Jalia.

This is very good.

So, now you can start to say something serious.

Gu Sheng found out that the **** who should have left did not leave, but looked at himself seriously.

This look makes her a bit square.

There are still some inexplicable guilty consciences.

Wait, why should she be guilty?

Gu Sheng thought about it for a while, and felt that he had not done anything.

So she asked: "Does God have anything?"

The subtext is that you can go back to the Great Hall.

I know that God actually nodded very seriously: "There is something."

Gu Sheng wants to say that if you have something, you can wait a little longer. I don't seem to be convenient.

Then God opened his mouth.

"I hold you, don't you like it?"

Gu Sheng trembled because of the eyelids.

What is the problem.

She looked at God with some doubts. At this moment, she especially wanted to pull out the system and ask if the person in front was taken away.

But the lotus roots and the familiar souls from the people around me let her know that from the beginning to the end, the gods in front of them are never changed.

So what happened to him? What is the stimulation of the gods?

No, now this is not the point!

The point is how does she answer now?

Say like it?

To be honest, I really like it, but God does not like this kind of thing from the laws of heaven.

Gu Sheng did not dare to guarantee that after he said that he liked the word, what kind of reaction will God have?

Don't like it?

She is not willing to lie on her own heart.

God looked at her for a long time, and asked, "Is my question difficult to answer?"

Gu Sheng raised his head and gently clicked: "Like."

She decided to tell the truth.

Since you like to say the word out, then just let it go.

Gu Sheng looked up at God and said: "Galia loves to be close to God."

She said that she looked at the **** in front of her and waited for his reaction.

Then the next moment, the body was surrounded by a warmth.

It is not the warmth of the holy pool, it is the true body.

Gu Sheng was frightened.

What happened in the last three thousand years of life-saving, why I can't understand it at all!

Next to it is the deep voice of God: "That's good, I like to be close to Galia."

Gu Sheng was stunned.

What did she just hear?

Let the skin of both sides stick together, Gu Sheng stood in the same place because of the shackles.

She closed her eyes hard and felt the temperature around her. Once again, she was not dreaming.

Turning around, she faced the face of the gods and shuddered and said: "God..."

The golden eyes of God seem to be able to see through everything.

His lips were not moving, and the low voice sounded at the center of her mind: "Don't doubt the eyes, Galia, I am happy with you."

Gu Sheng because the scorpion suddenly stunned because of this thing, it seems that at this moment, the emotions belonging to Galia took control of her.

Shocked, ecstatic, sad, let her want to cry.

The emotions buried in my heart for hundreds of thousands of years are even ready for the export that can never be said.

Who can think that one day I can get a response?



There are two more.

Tomorrow I will try to set a punctual update time, so that you don't have to always update.

The last two are more complete, I will think about which time is better.

See you later~

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