Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1897: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (38)

The power of the faith of the holy pool is so powerful?

Gu Sheng did not know what to think, his face was red.

At this time, the voice of God sounded in her ear: "Wake up?"

Gu Sheng responded gently, then dressed his clothes and walked to the Great Hall.

God was still the same as before, but when he saw Gu Sheng coming out, he removed the light of his own body.

"Come here." God reached out to her.

Gu Sheng went forward without hesitation, handed his hand over, and then was pulled into his arms by the gods.

Gu Sheng was a little surprised.

Even if the relationship is determined, the **** in her eyes does not seem to do these intimate things?

God seems to see her doubts.

He whispered: "The book of creation tells me that you will like it."

Gu Sheng's ear roots quietly red.

The book of creations next to the throne: ""

God, in certain things, please don't be so straight!

Live your singles for hundreds of thousands of years

But after God said this, it seems that the effect is not bad.

Gu Sheng’s uncomfortable disappearance was unfortunate.

Probably when I was shy and uncomfortable, I suddenly found that the other person was a raw born more than myself.

Suddenly it was calm.

The gods said: "I will open your relationship with me at the next creation ceremony."

Gu Sheng was a little surprised.

The first surprise is that God actually wants to openly associate with her, so in this case, some laws of heaven are bound to be revised. Gu Sheng is also very curious, what kind of new identity God is prepared to prepare for her.

There is also a second point.

Why is it the next creation celebration, is there anything to pay attention to?

She asked the question.

God replied: "Of course you are my god, you and I are together, you become my **** is the right thing. As for the second point"

God looked hesitant, and said: "The next creation ceremony, there will be some bad things. Galia, that is not suitable for publishing this news."

Gu Sheng always felt that when God said something bad, his face had a moment of guilt.

But that guilty only existed for a moment, and she was not sure if it was her own illusion.

Her attention is quickly attracted to other things: even the things that God feels bad

She has some concerns in her heart.

But I also know that since God has not clarified what it is, it is certainly not suitable for you to know.

The two chatted for a while, and God suddenly said: "You have been in a coma for so many years, Lucy, they are very worried, since they are now awake, go get together with them."

Gu Sheng also felt that he needed to speak with his companions.

She returned to her palace and sent a message with several other blazing angels in her own name.

The sacred angel's residence is the closest to Crystal Day, and Lucifer is also the first to come to Gu Sheng because of this.

There was a happy smile on his face: "You finally woke up, Galia."

Gu Sheng laughed at Lucifer: "Thank you for your concern, it's okay."

But Lucifer's smile on the face of the next moment stopped.

His pale scorpion is once again covered by melancholy: "Your body"

Obviously, he has already noticed that Gu Sheng is wrong because of his body.

The power that was close enough to rival himself disappeared?

Gu Sheng was not very concerned about himself. When he saw Lucifer, he took the initiative to comfort him: "This is not a big deal, and it will slowly recover in the future."

Tenth today.

Today, there is a baby to come up, fix the update time.

Now set the time, no accidents are eight chapters a day. At 6.4 pm, at 10:40 pm.

Ask for a ticket, I have to go to write group welfare to release myself!

good night

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