Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1908: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (forty-nine)

The journey to Lucifer has been going on for decades.

His Royal Highness Kyria has always kept himself in the hall and it is really worrying.

Gu Sheng did not know who he was competing with.

She feels that her behavior is quite emotional.

To be honest, from the perspective of God, it is understandable that he makes such a choice.

Gu Sheng even thought that if the person who was destined at the time was Galia, it would be much better.

Because she knows why God did this, she can understand his choice to some extent.

But Lucifer didn't know anything.

He would not know that God did not dislike him.

In Lucifer's cognition, he was the one that was inexplicably abandoned.

However, he is another devout angel of faith.

Gu Sheng did not dare to think about it. At that time, Lucifer, how uncomfortable it would be.

In these decades, she has locked herself in this palace, and no one is seen, including God, probably just hope that she can forget something.

Unfortunately, I can’t forget it.

Seeing Gabriel’s worried eyes, Gu Sheng revealed a smile.

"I'm fine, Gabriel, I was just recovering from injury."

Yes, she used this excuse to hide for decades.

In fact, everyone knows that Galia's injury is already good, she is just upset.

Gabriel saw her like this, relieved her anger and said: "Then I set up a small feast on the Moon Day. How many of us gathered together?"

Gu Sheng looked at her look and sighed in her heart: "Good."

Gabriel was happy to leave.

She is probably really afraid that Galia has been boring for so many years.

When Gu Sheng went to the moon, he happened to meet the Messiah who also entered the transmission array.

Seeing Gu Shengyin, the Messiah is obviously a little surprised.

He smiled and said: "Long time no see, His Royal Highness."

Gu Sheng nodded at him and did not speak much.

The Messiah will observe the words and see that Gu Sheng has a quiet mind and stands on the side.

When he arrived at Gabriel Palace, he saw Gu Sheng coming with Messiah, and Gabriel was taken aback.

She also worried that His Royal Highness Kyria would anger the Highness of Messiah because of Lucifer's affairs.

This little gathering, all the blazing angels are coming.

Gu Sheng was scoring because of the scoring, although the blazing angels did not show any problems in etiquette, but when they chat, the Messiah is almost completely unable to interject.

In any case, although it is mainly God's will to know that His Royal Highness Lucifer is the result of the Messiah, the blazing angels are still close.

Messiah also understands that he is probably not really warmly entertained among these blazing angels.

He smiled in his heart. In fact, he never understood why God had to be such a god.

He has never had a desire to replace the position of His Royal Highness.


Gu Sheng returned to his palace because he had participated in this small gathering.

Someone is waiting for her.

Gu Sheng was due to a footstep.

She looked at the silver-haired **** sitting in the chair.

Looking forward with respect and respect, she performed a perfect etiquette: "God."

God looked at her sideways and said, "Gia, for decades, are you finally willing to step out?"

Gu Sheng did not change his mind: "Jialy feels that his injury has recovered a lot."

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