Quick Transmigration: Heroine Arrives, Woman Rapidly Retreats!

Chapter 1917: Eighth blazing angel VS dark eye (fan outside)

The gods in the Great Hall suddenly felt a guilty conscience.

This feeling, the creation **** has never experienced it.

Almost at the next moment, he appeared in the palace of Galia.

Seeing the silver figure lying in bed, God suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

But the feeling of flustering did not fade.

He couldn't help but reach out and grab his heart. What happened?

At this time, Galia, lying in bed, woke up.

Her silvery white eyes trembled and eventually looked at the **** standing by the bed.

Only one glance, God is struck by lightning.

The unstoppable panic rose from the bottom of his heart, and he watched as "Galia" sat up.

"God, how come you?" Galia asked in surprise.

God did not say anything.

He looked at the figure in front of him quietly.

The other side has his familiar face, the silver scorpion is pure and innocent, and at first glance is the belief and obsession with God.


But he knows that this is not Jalia.

God instantly understood why the words that Galia had said to himself made him feel wrong.

That is clearly goodbye!

There was an infinite rage and storm in the heart of God: she was like this, just let go of it!

The vast gods instantly spread to every corner of the world.

He didn't believe it, even if it was dead, even if it was gone, he could find out Galia!

God searched over and over again, but nothing.

He could not find a trace of the existence of Galia in this world!

He did not care for the horrified Galia, and went straight back to the Great Church.

The book of creation is panic: "What happened to God..."

It can be perceived that God's emotions are very unstable at this time.

The book of the creation of the world has not fallen, and God suddenly raised his hand, and the golden light in the palm of his hand was flourishing. In the void in front of him, the scene of the scene quickly changed.

The book of Creation is directly shocked and lost, and God is back in time.

God's golden eyes calmly found one of them, and the next moment, he appeared in a certain scene.

It was the moment before Galia had said goodbye to himself.

He stared at the past -

Not her!

Even if it is back in time, he can't find her!

God suddenly sat down.

The book of Creation found cautiously: "God, you are..."

God did not answer, even when he learned that the world was dark and unbalanced, but he could not solve it, he was not so powerless.

Suddenly, his look was shocked.

Among the golden eyes, countless reincarnation scenes have been converted.

The golden cymbals changed several times, and eventually they came to a calm.

The book of Creation, which has been quietly aside, suddenly shivered.

It suddenly noticed that the master's breath seemed to have changed.

Compared with the previous gods, it is more unfathomable and more frightening and surrender.

God faintly glanced at the void somewhere. At that glance, it seemed to penetrate countless time and space, and accurately saw someone's body.

Gu Sheng, who just returned to the space and returned to the space, frowned at some doubts. I don’t know why, she always felt that someone seemed to look at herself.

It should be just an illusion. She shook her head and didn't care.

In another world, the silver-haired man whispered softly:



Four more.

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